15. Caught

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Okay Seunghee is also not in this chapter. I just got into Oh My Girl and she is a literal Bear look she's so cute. Her vocals are amazing too, she's the power vocal and I cry every damn time.

"A-ah Jungkook..." Yoongi was on Jungkook's bed, having a good time let's say. Jungkook had been going slowly so as to not hurt Yoongi, but Yoongi was just getting annoyed.
"Jungkook oh my god can you speed the fuck up?"
"S-sorry Hyung... I don't want to... Ah.."
"Shut up and move faster goddamn."
Yoongi scrunched his eyes up and threw his head back as Jungkook smiled and thrusted faster.
"Ahh!!" Yoongi was actually quite vocal during sex, which Jungkook didn't expect at all. He meant to ask Yoongi if he was okay, but the feeling of Yoongi around him just made him forget his own name pretty much.
Sweat was beading up on both of their foreheads and chests, their hands intertwined above Yoongi's messy hair, and their brown eyes locked in a small show of affection towards eachother.
"J-Jungkook!" Yoongi whined and Jungkook kissed his cheeks, around his head, his nose and finally his lips, pushing his neck forward to deepen the kiss and thrusting slower; which made Yoongi whimper when Jungkook pushed straight into his prostate. Kookie smirked as he pushed against it even further and tears stuck to Yoongi's eyelashes due to the insane pleasure. Jungkook hissed, his arms gripped by Yoongi, his whole length being surrounded by the usually innocent, pale, unfriendly male beneath him. Yoongi spread his legs further as Jungkook sped up and Yoongi's whines became higher and turned to light sobs. Jungkook threw his head back and thrusted one last time- his hips stuttering and jerking into Yoongi's prostate even more until Yoongi came too.
Breathlessly, Yoongi looked up at his boyfriend. "That... is why I don't sleep until late."
"I think I'm gonna need more water."
Jungkook smirked that little smirk and Yoongi blushed as he pulled out and went to his en suite bathroom for a cloth to clean them up.
Yoongi whined for the millionth time that night and Jungkook wiped over his little cock and hole, trying to hide himself but Jungkook just held his legs apart and kissed his forehead. The younger slipped on underwear and a large shirt before going to get more water- not expecting to find Jimin and Hobi already in the kitchen, because it was still pretty early, smirking at him and throwing him one of Yoongi's special protein bars. "Sounds like you could use one of these. Or ten, judging by how loud Yoo-"
"Ughhhhh Hyung let me sleep first." Jungkook grabbed two glasses and filled them both up. Hobi just smiled at Jimin and whispered "Yeah he's right. Even I don't have that much energy."

Jungkook sighed when he saw Yoongi sleeping, drinking the latter's water as well as his own and making a mental promise to get him more as soon as they both wake up.

Okay hi :) it's late because Wattpad logged me out and although my details were correct they wouldn't go through so I tried again today and it finally worked so hEY. I wasn't really in a smut writing mood so sorry this sucks and as always isn't edited, but I really wanted to progress into the book then remembered I had a smut to finish so hahahahahahahahahah sorry ❤ more updates from now on hopefully ❤

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