10. "D-daddy's...?"

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Lol sorry not sorry.

"Jin you have to eat." Big Yoongi pushed the bowl of ramen closer to Jin who just stared at it. Jin had barely moved all day, and had barely slept or eaten too.
"Yoongi... He won't eat, you know that." Taehyung just stared at his own bowl of instant noodles Jimin had to prepare because of Jins condition.
"I'm just trying."
"It won't work."
"I'm doing my best!" Yoongi slammed the table with his fist. "Do you have any better ideas?!" Yoongi glared at Taehyung who looked back just as angrily. Suddenly, the phone rang. Hoseok sighed as he stood up to get it. "Hello?... Yes! Yes that's us, is there any news?... w-what? Yes. Thank you." Hoseok hung up and let his arm drop. His voice was barely above a whisper as the boys stared.
"They found him."


As the boys drove in silence to the hospital, Jungkook once again brought out Yoongi's paci.
"You can't keep pushing me into Little Space, Kookie... It'll only help me, not you."
"Exactly. Please?" Jungkook glanced at Yoongi's torn lips, bitten fingernails, chewed hoodie sleeves and his watery eyes. Of course all of which went unnoticed by Yoongi himself. It had been a week since he last went into Little Space... He had to admit he needed it. But to have everybody focus on him and not themselves made it seem selfish. Yoongi shook his head and watched Jungkook put the black plastic object back into his pocket, proceeding to jog his leg as they pulled into the hospital car park. The 6 of them waited for someone else to be the first one out of the car, sitting in silence awkwardly, until Jin swore under his breath "for fucks sake" and slammed the door on his way out. Yoongi held Jungkook's hand all the way to the back of the large hospital, following a nurse who would take them to Namjoon.
As soon as she opened the doors, Yoongi wanted to tug on Jungkook's hand, to turn and go home. But Namjoon's bruised but slightly smiling face, dirty blonde hair and the same sparkling eyes stopped him.
"N-Namjoon..." Jin walked over.
"I missed you all so much..." Namjoon teared up at the sight of Yoongi who had taken the paci from Jungkook as soon as he saw the leader.
"What happened?! We were all so worried Namjoon! How could you do that? If you needed a break you could have at least told us where instead of us living with ourselves thinking you were dead somewhere! We didn't even know if you were in Korea Namjoon! 2 weeks away and not one text at least saying you were okay?!" Jin had come to his senses and, although yelling and drawing attention, hugged Namjoon tightly as though if he let go, he would leave again.
"No wonder you're Mama Jin. I'm sorry... I really am. To all of you. I don't know what happened, I..." Namjoon started crying into Jin who held him closer. The other members stood, almost in tears themselves. As Namjoon's cries slowed down, Yoongi walked over and brushed his tears away. "I missed you Prince."
"I missed you Joonie."


"Be careful with Joonie, he still needs rest." Jin fluffed Yoongi's hair and turned to the leader. "Okay, I'll make you some ramen and be right back." Jin stroked Namjoon's hair down briefly, leaving him on the couch covered with blankets, The Little Mermaid on the TV and a Little Yoongi cuddled up to him with a bottle in his mouth.

I can't tell them. Namjoon thought.
I will never tell them.

SORRY IT'S SHORT AND IT DIDN'T REALLY INCLUDE LITTLE YOONGI BUTTTT I'm planning on doing a chapter or two on what Namjoon actually got up to when he was missing. Idk though. I'll either do it like that or have Namjoon explain it to the others and that's how you'll all find out... Idk I'll figure something out. I might not update for a while (Morgan you'd better shut the hell up 😂❤❤) bc otherwise it won't be ad good as I want it to be, so... See you guys at some point :)) (not edited, HA SUE IT kill me)

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