my face again and im sorry

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I feel like I don't have the energy for this book anymore. It's more something that I think "Oh I should really get back to that" and, as I'm sure many people have noticed, I never get back to it.
So once and for all I really am ending this but of my own accord and no one elses.
Thank you to everyone who commented joy and to everyone that commented hate because it was all a part of having such friends from this book.
Thank you for voting.
Thank you for staying with me and the characters I built with my heart.
Thank you for following me.
Thank you for reading about me personally and about my excuses that ultimately led to me discontinuing this book.

I see no use in deleting it entirely, so I will of course keep this here.

Perhaps, if a reader dms me I can write a short oneshot or requested ending if anyone misses this story as I do with others I've read. This story has dropped in quality and the chapters dropped in length and I feel that spending my own and all of yours time on those isn't what I started this book for. I said before that I'd write more books but even those are very short and discontinued.
Even so, if you like Twice and/or poetry, please read them.

Thank you for coming on this rollercoaster ride with me, and I am quite emotional putting a final end to it but I had so much fun meeting friends, (I see you ultaehyungw ), and blocking haters.

So for the last time of this book, I'm sorry for not updating.

Bare with me ❤❤❤

Bare with me ❤❤❤

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