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Its been brought to my attention that alot of you don't like me for how i wrote this book. 

I've gotten multiple private messages of people saying that im a "fucking bitch" and "jungkook deserves a better author" and, my personal favourite-

"Why are you ARMY? They wouldn't want you. They wouldn't love you like they love ARMY. Who makes them look this way then calls themself an ARMY?  Just fucking die it's what your 'yoongi oppa' would want from such a bad writer"

I copy and pasted that from my private message inbox^

I've had comments calling this a "crappy yoonkook" and saying I've "fucked it up by adding other people" (see the photo at the top). 

Most of these were aimed at the chapter with YoonMinKook angst.

I've spent so much time on this. Hours thinking about whether my chapters were long enough or what to do next, feeling bad for not updating, checking views and comments every morning and night until I decided to "end" the story. I hadn't seen the messages or comments until now.

I hate to sound sorry for myself, but sitting and crying while people judge and swear and shit on my writing- something I've loved since I could hold a crayon- hurts me. I love to write. Writing is such a beautiful form whether it's in poetry, books, or completely fictional AUs that are changed throughout each chapter to suit what both the readers and author want.

And for that reason, I'm officially ending this. I may delete it, but for now I'm done. I may write another but not until I finish both of my Twice stories.

I'm sorry for wasting your time.

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