7. Playtime

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Don't judge me for this chapter, it's weird I know God dammit and if you don't like it then suck my dick okay I'm a princess come at me thanks.

"Yoongi, no! Come back here!"
" 'on't wanna 'addy!" Yoongi's paci was in his mouth, hiding from Jungkook since he knew he was in BIG trouble this time.
"Yoongi I swear if you don't come here right now you won't see another bowl of ice cream again." Jungkook narrowed his eyes and Yoongi practically screamed and shuffled out from behind the couch, tears streaming from his swollen eyes, sniffling behind his black paci. Jungkook took one look at the boy and softened immediately. He was just curious... it's normal to try once right? If it's only once... (Im not saying try it, it's horrible, I just need to get the story somewhere don't take me literally K? K.)  "Yoongi..." Jungkook's voice was softer this time and Yoongi looked up from the ground.
"That was really bad Yoongi... But if you don't tell Jin, neither of us will punish you okay?"
"O- *sniffle* O-okay *sniffle*."
"Are you going to give Daddy a cuddle now?" Jungkook crouched down and held his arms out to allow the Little to shiffle into him. As Jungkook kissed his cheek, Yoongi climbed into his lap and wrapped his arms around the taller's neck with his legs on either side of Kookie's waist.
" 'ove you, 'addy."
"I love you too baby."
Yoongi just wanted to get more comfortable, but as he shuffled, so did Jungkook. By complete, absolute, accident, they had both managed to gringmd down on eachother slightly. Yoongi gasped, Jungkook jolted, and Yoongi tightened his grip on Jungkook's wide shoulders. "D-daddy what was that?"
"Uh-um... It was s-something you shouldn't d-do again, Yoonie." Jungkook tried not to kiss Yoongi, knowing he'd regret more than not in the morning.
"P'ay time, 'addy!! P'eaaaaase?!"
"N-no Yoonie." Jungkook tried to stop Yoongi, but he just shuffled around again, trying to make it happen again.
"Y-yoonie..." Jungkook gripped Yoongi's  waist tighter, but have up on trying to make him stop. Little and Big Yoongi were both stubborn and Yoongo already had a problem that he wanted Jungkook to take care of.
"Ah!" Yoongi squealed when Jungkook bucked his hips up into Yoongi's, making the feeling happen again. They both sighed and kept pushing down on eachother, eventually making Yoongi whine and Jungkook groan.
"Ahh... Daddyyy..." Jungkook had taken the paci out of Yoongi's mouth to kiss him and keep his whines quieter than before. Jungkook suddenly started grinding faster which made Yoongi squeal and finish quickly, Jungkook quickly following with his head back and hair messy from when Yoongi was gripping on to it tightly.
"D-daddy," Yoongi panted, "what was that?"
"That was bad Yoonie. Really bad. We can't do that again Yoongi okay?" Jungkook tried looking serious, but the cute expression on Yoongi's face as he tried to catch his breath and move off of Jungkook to clean up without getting jolted again was tok much for Jungkook to handle. He quickly kissed Yoongi on the lips and picked him up, taking him to the bathroom to clean them both up.

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