24. End

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It happened a month ago. Jimin had stopped going after Yoongi, letting himself have time to get over him. Yoongi broke up with Jungkook, although it was actually mutual because they both realised the struggles of having a relationship in their close group. Jin and Namjoon however were still going strong with not an arguement in sight for months and no sign of one arising anytime soon.
Yoongi still slipped into Little Space, even more often if that was possible.

Even now, he ran around the dorm with a soft giraffe stuffie he had given to Jimin as a gift to make fun of his height, but he had stolen it back and ran away with it, giggling his now brown haired head into exhaustion. His Kumamon blanket trailed behind him and he slipped between all the members that tried to sit him down to eat the watermelon and strawberries on the table (of course for Namjoon it was only watermelon, that cute but crazy head doesn't like strawberries).

"Yoongi come on!"
"Mmm.... no!!!" He ran again, tripping on his blankie and laughing at everyone who flinched, waiting for him to cry.
"Yoonie's okay!" He yelled as he ran away again.

Everything was fine, it was all perfect and amazing and genuinely quiet. Wings tour had ended, new concepts were being proof read by PD Bang and nothing had been better.

BTS was back, with a Little extra Yoongi ❤.

I'm emotional.

It felt right to end it, none of my recent chapters have been very good or long so I thought I'd end it with yet another little chapter. (..... Little chapter...?) Oh well but I hope you enjoyed this whole book, I did work really hard on new storylines and good chapters, sorry I didn't deliver lmao but hey 24 chapters 😂
It was a mess in the beginning. I wanted to continue with Namjoon going missing, or do more with Namjin, more with Nayeon, but it ended up where it did and I am quite proud I didn't just drop it after a couple of chapters like a few of my other ones but heyyyy one last vote-

For my next fanfiction-

Little Jin (Namjin)

Little Jin (Taejin)

Little Jimin (Yoonmin)

Little Jimin (Jikook)

Little Nayeon (Natzu)

Little Momo (Jimo)

Little Sana (Saida)

Thank you guys so much for reading, I never expected this to get so many views, one of my friends actually had to send me a screenshot of it for me to believe I had so many views on this 😂

I'll write my next one soon and I promise it'll be better ❤❤❤

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