22. Playdate 2.0

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"No, Jimin."
"Listen, I... I love you..." Although Jimin was mumbling, Yoongi heard and was very confused. He thought Jimin wanted to talk to him about Jungkook so immediately pushed him away but now... Now what can he do?
"I... I love you."
"...." Yoongi stared, speechless. Before turning and walking away.

It was 4am. Jimin hadn't slept, nor was he tired. Yoongi couldn't stop thinking about earlier's occurance. With weak legs, Jimin slipped away from his, Taehyung's and Hoseok's room to run into Yoongi and Jungkook's. Jungkook was sleeping at the studio after writing and recording, so Yoongi was alone in his laptop and phone lit room. Wires ran around his bed, extension leads, phone charger, alarm clock, speaker, laptop charger, and the fairy lights around his aesthetic window where he had once been caught smoking. A pack of large supermarket cookies lay opened on his bed, all 5 still ontouched. As Jimin opened the door, his legs nearly gave way with nerves. Yoongi was sat up, eyes red and squinted- either from fatique or crying- with blankets strewn around him. His favourite green pillow was on his lap under his laptop, his phone laying beside it playing soft piano music, and his soft peach pillows were recently fluffed up behind him.

Yoongi looked up at Jimin, his eyes sparkling as the stress pushed him over the small edge he'd been risking falling off all day.
"M... Minnie?"
Shit. Yoongi was not meant to be Little  for this. But he loved Yoongi and this couldn't wait.
"Heya Yoongz... Can I stay with you for a while?"
"Like a playdate?"
"Yeah! Like a playdate!" Jimin softly closed the door and walked to the bed, Yoongi shuffling over and holding the blanket up so Jimin could crawl in. Yoongi immediately rested his head on Jimin's shoulder and pressed play on a video about space and weird things that have been discovered because he knows Jimin's love for astronomy.

"Yes Daddy?"

Jimin's heart stopped. Did he just..? Okay, he's tired, he didn't mean to... move on.
"I... I'm sorry about earlier."
"It's okay Minnie. I love you too." Yoongi's childish slur made Jimin die a little bit.
"But.. I mean, I really love you. Like you love Kookie."
"But I don't love Kookie. He was mean. He isn't my Daddy anymore, Minnie, you are."

Jimin definitely died a little bit.

Okay so I know YoonKook fics are really hard to find and this MIGHT turn into a YoonMin, or YoonMinKook, or it'll be undecided with a lot of beef and subtle shade like a windy summer's day, who knows.

Hey.... Stan Mamamoo :)

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