8. "M-missing?"

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ME AND MY FRENS WENT TO THE BEACH AT 6AM TO SEE THE SUNRISE AND IT WAS COLD BUT SOOOOOOOOOO PRETTY BOI also sorry for the amount of tears you will cry in the next few chapters sorry :))))

"Yoongi? Yoongi wake up!" Hoseok woke up the elder in his arms after carrying him through to the kitchen where everyone was sitting hugging cups of coffee with dark circles under their eyes.
"Mmm." Yoongi rubbed his eyes and glared at Hoseok.
"What the fuck? Put me down, kid." Yoongi scrunched up his nose and ruffled his hair when he got put down, glaring at Hoseok. Everyone shared a look, Yoongi shouldn't have been Big. He should have been Little and then it might have been okay.
"Wait?" Jin mouthed to Jungkook as Yoongi went and sat next to him, Jungkook shaking his head slightly. As sleepy as Yoongi was, he caught the interaction.
"What? What happened?" Yoongi stared at everyone who sighed and stared down. "Wait where's Namjoon?"
Everyone looked at eachother before Jungkook finally sighed and placed his hand on Yoongi's thigh. Yoongi, never one for closeness when he was Big, just stared at Jungkook's eyes.
"W-we were hoping you'd be Little so this would be easier... Namjoon-Hyung... He's missing."
"M-missing....?" Yoongi looked around at everyone. He couldn't grasp this... Namjoon gone.

224 words... I'm a dissapointment. This is just a filler to get the story across so... Tomorrow (TOMORROWWWWW OH OH OHOHHHHH OHOOOO) I'll try update but maybe today Idkkkkkkkkkkk ly ty ❤🤙🤙

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