9. "What if he's left Seoul??"

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"Yoongi, we've looked everyw-"
"No! No he's fine."
"Yoongi please!" Jin was crying. Jin never cried. Yoongi had his head in his hands and was sitting across from their manager who was sliding a box of tissues past Hoseok and Jimin over to the eldest.
"We can't do anything else. We have to call the police and just wait. We can't do anything else." Their manager couldn't look the boys in the eyes. All he could do was repeat himself, he had nothing else in mind that could even attempt in trying to make them feel better. He felt responsible, since he called Namjoon out to a meeting and no one heard from him since. For 48 hours they waited for the door to open and Yoongi to squeal and jump around like every working day. No such luck.

The meeting was dismissed, the boys were taken home. Jin immediately went to the kitchen and blasted music through his earphones while cooking, although no one was really hungry. Yoongi wanted to slip into Little Space badly. Very badly. But everyone had enough going on, they didn't need him jumping around everywhere, or so he thought.
As they all sat down infront of the TV with a random movie on cable and untouched food on their laps, Yoongi looked around. Everyone was "watching" the supposedly nameless movie with glassy eyes and unfocused expressions. He was most worried for Jin who was biting his lip raw and holding the bloody tissue- crumpling it against his lip and tearing tiny shreds off the sides until it was a tiny pile of messy paper strips in his palm. Yoongi suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. Looking round, he saw Kookie, a small blue and white paci in his hand, outstretched towards Yoongi. "If we could do it... We would."
Yoongi immediately knew he was referring to the headspace he slipped into often, however it didn't feel like the right time. Yoongi just shook his head and glanced at Jin. Jungkook just sighed.
"I know... But it'll distract him. And us. And you must be so stressed..." Jungkook pushed his hand out further. Yoongi knew he wasn't going to get out of this easily. He slowly reached out and took it, pushing it between his lips and curling up on the sofa. The headspace he had been fighting almost all day took over, and he held his arms out to Jungkook. "D-daddy...." Yoongi cried into Jungkook, the tiny sniffles seemed to wake up the other members, because Jin went to make Yoongi a bottle while the others cuddled around the baby.
"Daddy!!!" Yoongi suddenly shouted. Everyone looked at Jungkook who held up his hands and shook his head since he had no idea what happened. Yoongi cried harder. "Are you tired baby..?" Jungkook rubbed his back.
"I miss Joonie!!" Yoongi screamed and Jin walked through to give him his bottle, but it was just slapped away. "Yoongi please..." Jin repeated the last thing he said to Yoongi, but softer and more desperate. Yoongi stared up at Jin, wanting the bottle as soon as he looked at it. "H-hungry." Yoongi made grabby hands and got lifted from Jungkook to Jin, being fed the warm milk. (Don't. You. Dare. You know what I mean ya nasty.) Jungkook got up and pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and walked out, Jin only giving him a small look because he knew he needed it.


"Daddy?" Yoongi waddled into Jungkook's room wearing his blue onesie, white and blue paci, and holding his black fluffy teddy bear.  (AWWWWWWWWWWWWW okay proceed)
"Yes baby?" Jungkook was sitting on his windowsill, almost exactly like Yoongi's because he insisted he made Jungkook a place to sit and relax like he did, when Yoongi shuffled over. "I want playtime."
"W-what? No, Yoongi... That time shouldn't have happened. Let's wait, okay?"
"No, I want playtime." Yoongi's monotoned voice made Jungkook concerned. "Baby what's really wrong?"
"Police called. Can't find Joonie. Wanted to make you happy before Jinnie told everyone." Yoongi had silent tears rolling down his face as Jungkook ran and hugged him.
"I don't need playtime to be happy, I just need all of you. You and Jinnie and TaeTae and Minnie and Seokie and... And Joonie..."
"But Daddy..."
"Yes baby?"
"What if he's not in Seoul anymore?"
"Don't think like that baby... He's okay."

But, Jungkook thought, what if he isn't?

SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SO SORRY I am crying. Not edited. Cba. And now I bet you're crying for a whole new reason.

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