23. "What am I meant to say?"

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So Jimin was shook.
He was...
Jungkook wasn't...

What the fuck.

His thoughts were constantly left unfinished, new confusing pieces of this seemingly undecipherable puzzle clouding the old thoughts over before he could come to a conclusion.
The only thought that was really clear, was what the fuck.

He was still sitting with Yoongi in bed, the clock had somehow, without them realising, quickly gone from 4am to 6am, and he knew they had a busy day ahead.
Yoongi's small slip earlier had been pushed away by a 20 minute nap- which may or may not have been induced by Jimin playing with his hair and breathing a little bit deeper to rock Yoongi's head to sleep on his chest.
"Yes baby?"
"Will Kookie be mad at me?"
"I don't think so." Jimin had to laugh a little bit, although he was nervous too. "He'll be mad at me, not you."

It was soon 8am and everyone was rushing. You'd think staying up all night meant they got up earlier, but no. They kept saying, like they had all night, "too early" or "they'll get us when they want us."
Unfortunately, Jungkook was sent to go get Yoongi. So instead of sitting down and talking, they were met with,
"Oh, was he crying? I didn't hear. Thank you though." Jungkook's voice wad definitley dismissive, a hint to Jimin to go and leave Jungkook with his boyfriend. But Yoongi whined and held Jimin tighter. Jungkook raised his eyebrows.
"No, Daddy, stay!"
Jungkook's eyes widened then narrowed. He fucking new it.

"So that's what you were doing."
"No, I-"
"So I make a mistake and Yoongi suddenly belongs to just anyone?!"
"No, I just-"

"Stop it Jungkook." Yoongi had been pushed back into being Big, and although he stood shorter than Jungkook, he definitely made an impression as he walked over and glared at the youngest. "Stop it right now."

"You think I'm going to let him just-"
"I said stop." Yoongi growled and everyone stopped talking. The living room went silent, the other members stopping their rushed routines of getting ready to produce, record and write.
They all listened to the silence, while Yoongi looked at Jimin.
"Wanna take a shower?"
"Oh, uh... Yeah um, you go first."
Yoongi just smirked at Jungkook and said quietly enough for the other members not to know, but just loud enough for Jungkook to question if he really heard it,
"Who said we're taking turns?"

1. I'm sorry.
2. No there won't be smut bc that shit takes too long and tbh I just can't be bothered :).
3. I'm going to try finishing this up..? I've already written more than I expected so maybe there'll be a bigger conflict, a resolve and then another Little chapter (I'm sorry there hasn't been much of Little Space, it's really difficult to balance that and a story line together :/)
4. BUT I WILL BE MAKING ANOTHER FANFIC it might be Little, idk but the Little most likely wouldn't be Yoongz... Probably Jimin? A Little Jin would be adorable too. Might not even be BTS... I could do a follow up on Little Nayeon..? Idk, tell me what you think :))

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