5. Official

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It was a few months later, Yoongi was eventually further into little space and seemes to be clinging on to Jungkook more and more.
"Jungkookie stop!" Yoongi was running through the house away from the youngest black haired boy, who Yoongi had believed to be the "tickle monster", giggling as his teddy trailed behind him.
"Not until you say sorry!" Jungkook laughed as he ran after him, cornering Yoongi in his room. Yoongi's white hair, dyed previously that night by Jungkook and Jin, was messy from the chase and his paci was in the hand that wasn't clutching on the teddy bear for dear life. "But Daddy!!" Yoongi was too caught up in his own words and was too out of breath to realise what he said, but Jungkook just stood smiling.
"Daddy, playyy!" Yoongi whined as Jungkook ran up to him and picked him up to cover his face in tiny kisses.
Jin ran in followed by the others.
"Did I just hear that correctly?"
"Yoongi called me Daddy... doesn't that mean I'm like his main caregiver or something?" Jungkook put Yoongi's paci in his mouth to stop Yoongi from trying to squirm and play, finally adnitting he was tired.
"Yeah I think so..." Namjoon looked to Jin who smiled back.

"JUNGKOOK!! NOT NEAR YOONGI, WHAT DID I SAY?!" Jin yelled to Jungkook, who was sitting on his open windowsill, cigarette and lighter in hand with one already lit and hanging  from the other hand. "Hyung, he's with Tae he won't come in here!" Jungkook took a long drag and blew out of the window, pulling his jacket closer to himself from the wind.
"He'll smell it and get curious! Jungkook, if you have to have that dirty habit then do it when either you're out without Yoongi or he's out without you."
"I'll finish these two then I'll try. Promise."
Jin sighed and walked away with Jungkook leaning his head on the window as the rush hit him.
"Daddy?" Yoongi was at Jungkook's door way.
"No baby, not in here. Go find Jimin!" He tried to sound enthusiastic so it would rub off on Yoongi but he just waddled into the room.
"Yoongi, no, not now. Later. Daddy's busy now."
Yoongi just looked to Jungkook's hand and down to the packet of cigarettes on the floor. Quickly, so Jungkook wouldn't catch him, he ran and stole the packet and sprinted to the front room. Although he had been in little soace for a while, he still had the soeed of the times he would slip out of the headspace, and Jungkook wishes he didn't.
"Joonie! Jinnie! Minnie! Look what Daddy has!!" Yoongi was far too enthusiastic about this, making it seem like Jungkook let him take them or worse, given them to him directly.
"Jungkook." Jin was calmly angry, tge type where you'd wish they would scream and shout instead. "What is he doing with those?"
"He walked in and I told him not to! H-he just took them and ran!" Jungkook swiped the packet from Yoongi who made a noise of frustration and pouted at him.
"Go to your room."
"You can't tell me to-"
"Go... To your room." Jin sighed and picked up Yoongi as Jungkook turned around. He'd probably be told that he can't be Yoongi's caregiver now. Not his main one anyway. God he wanted that little extra time with Yoongi... Just a little more than the others.

OKAY I KNOW. I'M SORRY. THIS IS A TINY, TERRIBLE, LONG AWAITED CHAPTER BUT I'M OUT OF IDEAS AND MOTIVATION. I've decided to, instead of trying to write daily or catch up with skipped days, I'll write when I feel like it because this chapter was terrible and now something I need to follow on from in the next few chapters. So sorry for any late updates or shitty chapters, I'm just forcing myself to write and I don't want this to be like that so I guess I'll see you all when I can next be bothered. So don't get your hopes up 😊

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