28. Ignore Part 1

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I am REALLY getting my act together here jeez.

Sadly, there was no time in the next few days to make up with the group. There was a fansign that popped up in their calendar, jotted in weeks ago, that they had all forgotten about, in only 3 days. That meant that deadlines had to be met beforehand and stylists met with to create their looks for the hundreds of cameras and ARMYs that in all honesty wouldn't care what they looked like at the meeting... Or so Namjoon hoped.

He had returned home about an hour ago, after not being able to stand his studio anymore, and had managed to order food (he didn't want to face the others in the kitchen) and shower.
Little Yoongi had no worries, really. He had completed his work and now had time off to be himself, and so did Namjoon. But the other members, especially the dance line, had a lot to do and not much time to do it in.

So Seokjin had a choice. He could leave Yoongi in the care of the man he loves, but the man who essentially left the family making it feel broken and weak. Or he could take Yoongi to his own small office, or leave him with the dancers (including Taehyung). It wouldn't be fair to the others if he left Yoongi with Namjoon, but it wouldn't be fair on Yoongi to have to deal with people working around him all day when he has already finished his work and wanted to rest.

Jin sighed and picked Yoongi up off of Taehyung's lap on the couch and took him to Namjoon's room, multiple noises of protest sounding from both the Little in his arms and the man who was playing with Yoongi's hair gently.
Namjoon was not expecting company at all, the knocks on his door feeling fake, as though he had turned himself into madness through the hatred of him by his bandmembers and himself. Why would they ever knock on his door?
In reality Namjoon was looking to move out. He may have been overreacting, but he had let his family down. How can he uphold such a wonderful group of ARMY if the ones closest to him are being dropped like they meant nothing to him? No, he had to leave Bangtan now. They would get on fine without him, it's not like they'll disband in his absence... they won't even notice that he's gone.

Of course, he was wrong.

"If you don't want to open up," Seokjin's voice was so soft and so gentle... a caring and understanding man taking time with his words and trying his best to ease the door open with his love alone. His love and the want for Namjoon to realise what he's done to the family, but for the family to realise what they had done to Namjoon, "then that's okay. I'll take Yoongi with me if you don't want to look after him... just... please let me in."

The doorknob tried but failed against the lock and a small voice sighed, telling Yoongi to go back to Tae.
"You hurt us, Joon. You know that... We know we're hurting you too so let's just... put it behind us? We're sorry. And we know you're sorry. Please can I come in? I miss you Joonie..."
The door's locked clicked open and Seokjin smiled slightly, opening the pale white door into a juxtaposingly dark room. It was so unlike him to have his curtains shut... his mirrors were taken off of the wall and his closet was locked shut. The room was tidy but he was not- he looked awful. But... not an awful that come through physically, he looked awful in a way that can only shine through by the person being broken. Seokjin coukd almost see the cracks in his face, around his lips and his cheeks, the rips in his eyes that led to nowhere. The intelligent man made nothing by his own mind... how painfully ironic could it be? 

"I love you Namjoon."
And a crack in his face closed up.
"You mean so much to all of us,"
His skin getting smoother across the ridges,
"We know you hurt us."
The ravine in his eyes opened wider.
"But we hurt you too. And we're sorry."
He was like a new man. The person inside his body was like new, and his heart was so perfectly restored that you could see it on his face and in his eyes. The man didn't need praise, he needed love and understanding.

He needed Little Yoongi. And speak of the Devil, he ran into the room and jumped on Namjoon, trying to kiss his cheek but sincerely getting confused at the dummy in his mouth blocking his path.
An apologetic Jungkook ran through and grabbed the small boy, "Sorry, he escaped." trying to pull him away.

"No Daddy! Wan' stay!" Yoongi fought playfully and his hands punched softly against Jungkook's arms as he giggled, scooped up and guided away from the room where Seokjin held Namjoon, but not before giving a wave and a kiss blown towards the tallest men in the house.

"I love you Seokjin."
"We all love you too. But me more. Speaking of which, go brush your teeth I wanna make out."
"Just got back, yeah, after a week. Do you know how damn lonely I got? I even had to go into the bathroom when they were all in bed just to-"
"Okay! I'm brushing my teeth! Jeez babe give me a second."
Seokjin just laughed and winked, laying back onto Namjoon's bed and laughing. God he loved that man.

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