14. "Th-this is crazy..."

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Chaeyoung isn't actually in this I just wanted y'all to see hER SHE IS A LITERAL BABY LOOK AWH she's not even my bias like I'm sorry Dahyun but... Look at the child

*smut bitchessss*

Yoongi was laying in bed. That's how it started, just by laying in bed. He checked his phone but forgot the time straight after turning it off. He knew he should get up and do something instead of laying in the dark, doing nothing productive, but to be honest he really couldn't be bothered. Finally his back started to cramp up and he thought that if he was to move, he might as well get up. You see, all night, all he could think of was Jungkook. I mean... When he was in Little Space, Yoongi would call the maknae "Daddy". When he wasn't, he seemed to drop all special relations to all of them. He could see that it bothered Jungkook and it really did bother Yoongi too. As he pulled his slim pale legs out from under his blankets, he nearly fell and immediately regretted getting up and contemplated going back. A noise followed by "ah shit!!" From the kitchen made him stay up, though, and wander through to find the noise.

As soon as he walked into the kitchen, he almost turned back. Jungkook was crouched over, his button up shirt was open and his hair messy. He was sweeping up broken glass and mopping up water from around the counter. "Do you want some help?" Yoongi mumbled and shuffled round to Jungkook.
"Oh you're up? Uh no it's okay I'm almost done. Just wanted a glass of water." Jungkook went back to cleaning and Yoongi just stood there awkwardly by his side.
"There," Jungkook shook the glass into the trash and turned to Yoongi with two new glasses of water, offering him one.
"Now why're you up at..." he checked his phone, "woah, 4am?"
"Couldn't sleep." Yoongi mumbled as he took a sip of the water Jungkook had gotten for him. "You?"
"I had a nap earlier so I'm not tired yet. Anything on your mind?"
Now the thing is, Yoongi was tired. He hadn't had a nap AND it was 4 in the damn morning. So... he told him.
"Yeah actually..."
That took Jungkook by surprise. Yoongi doesn't talk about feelings. Ever.
"I uh... I was just thinking...  You know how when I'm in Little Space you're like my 'main caregiver' or whatever...? Well um.. I thought that maybe..."
"Wait. Are you saying..?"
"Y-yeah... I mean you're so good at taking care of me and stuff... I don't know..." Yoongi kicked his feet at the ground and looked down. He was blushing so much he even thought that the makeup artists would wonder why he didn't look so dead.
"Yoongi Hyung, I, uh... I've been thinking about that too... I mean, how we're really close and stuff and then... I mean-"
"Jungkook just fuck off and be my boyfriend." Yoongi had rolled his eyes and smiled as soon as Jungkook started trailing off.
Jungkook smiled back. "Okay."


"Is Yoongi in Little Space today?" Jimin could hardly be understood through his mouth half full of pancakes, but Jin got it.
"I don't think so... Haven't seen him. Why?"
"Because he's all cuddled up with Jungkook. I saw them sleeping when I went to give Jungkook his pancakes. It  was really cute."
"Ah well then I guess he- WAIT ARE THOSE HIS PANCAKES?" Jin pointed at him with a spatula and a death glare.
"N-no Hyung... I uh p-put them on the counter." Jimin flushed and as Jin turned to look, Jimin was already gone to his room with the door locked and the plate of pancakes with him.

"Aish that kid." Jin wiped up the syrup and got to cleaning the rest of the kitchen.

In Kookie's room though, Yoongi woke up first. "Mmmm." Yoongi groaned and held his neck which had been lifted awkwardly by Jungkook's arm, leaving a cramp. Of course Yoongi didn't want Kookie to wake up but he had to pee... so bad. So he pushed away his blankets and tucked them around the maknae instead.

When he got back, Kookie was acting weird.

Okay this is where it gets worse... Or better depending of your point of view idk it's Christmas Eve and Santa would hate me right now so YOU WANTED THIS:

Jungkook was on his side, but his face was really flushed and his eyes were closed tighter than usual. His hair was messier than before Yoongi left and his shirt was riled half way up his front. The blankets were all around him but mostly inbetween his legs, with his hands holding the sheets. At first Yoongi thought he was having a nightmare... Then he obviously found out otherwise.
Oh. Oh okay. So...
Yoongi didn't know whether to leave or not, wake him up or just awkwardly shuffle away to a cup of coffee and an annoying bunch of kids flipping their bottles and yelling at 9am. Yeah no to be honest I think anyone would prefer Kookie having a wet dream right infront of them over bottles landing next to your face with screaming men running everywhere. Although that'd be adorable I'd still take the Kook. Back to the story.

So there Jungkook was.
And there Yoongi was.
And that was all for a solid three minutes.

Jungkook was obviously not getting what he wanted in whatever fucked up land he was in (literally), because he kept whining and groaning and bucking his hips into the blanket which didn't at all look like it was working. But then Jungkook said it.

And Goddamnit Jungkook, you sexy motherfucker you stole my Yoongs.

"Ah Yoongi Hyunggg..." Jungkook whined and to be honest Yoongi nearly fell over on his way to the bed, but 'something' was driving him to the younger. (I hate myself.) "Jungkook?" Yoongi tried awkwardly shaking him awake, but duh the amount he was moving already it wouldn't make a difference.
"Jungkook!" Yoongi pinched his cheek really hard which actually woke him up.
"Y-Yoongi Hyung..." Jungkook stuttered and looked down, obviously starting to blush more than Yoongi last night.
Yoongi pushed him over and slid in to the blankets with him, holding him tight for a second before pressing their lips together. It was messy at first, both were tired and Jungkook was a literal baby bunny, but then they both realised. Fuck we aren't getting out of this one.  So they did things carefully. They wanted it to be perfect for the other but also themselves. The kiss was long, and ended with Jungkook's shirt on the floor and Yoongi underneath him. Yoongi had no idea when he started whining because of the dark red marks being sucked into just the right places, or because Jungkook would not stop grinding goddamnit, but he was being vocal nonetheless.
"Shh..." Jungkook smirked into his skin and Yoongi whined again.
"I'm... T-trying..."
"Oh do you want me to stop?" Jungkook asked innocently. So fucking innocently that it annoyed Yoongi who just hit his chest half heartedly and pulled his head down to kiss him.
"Kookieeee..." Yoongi whined again. He wasn't in Little Space. He's just a MAJOR bottom.
"Hurry up."  Yoongi smiled when Jungkook looked relieved, and pulled down his own and Yoongi's boxers. Since they were sleeping, that's all they had on except an oversized shirt each which was discarded L O N G ago. Yoongi hid his face in his hands and Jungkook smiled again at how small and precious he was.
That soon went though, because as soon as he had the lube in hand, he was fucking ready and I don't blame him.
He pushed only one finger into Yoongi first after spreading the lube on his hands, so as not to hurt him, but he took it surprisingly well and asked for another not long after. (You can take his "experience" any way you want I just have presents to wrap therefore a smut to finish. These are my priorities. This right here. Feel blessed. Merry Christmas)

"Really? Already?" Jungkook just wanted to make sure he wasn't in pain and wasn't going to be later on.
Yoongi just nodded though, so he added another like asked and only felt any actual restriction at 3. Yoongi, though, was an actual noisebox. He was moaning and whining loudly to the point that Jungkook said if he got any louder he'd have to stop. To which Yoongi nearly whined but shut up straight after. After a while of prepping Yoongi, Jungkook thought him ready and Yoongi definitely did, so Jungkook pulled out his fingers and spread Yoongi's legs further.

"Are you ready?"

Yoongi nodded. Jungkook planted a small kiss to his nose before pushing in and throwing his bead back. Groaning at Yoongi's heat and his little noises.

So I'm a busy lil bee so imma leave this here have fun with that maybe a part 2? Idk depends on if I actually come up with a story in advance next time unlike this one SO.
merry christmas have my unedited pile of dirt 🤙🤙❤🎄🎄

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