3. Medicine

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3rd Person POV

Yoongi had been crying for hours. He was lightheaded and tired but it hurt. No body knew what was wrong with him, worrying and checking him for cuts or bruises, seeing if he was hungry or tired or wanted something... Nothing worked.
"Yoongi please tell me what's wrong."  Jimin stroked his light brown hair and tried gently lifting his head from the blanket, but he immediately stiffened and fought against Jimin's strength. Yoongi started screaming/crying when Jimin lifted him up and sat him in his lap. "Yoongi, baby what is it?" Yoongi didn't respond, still screaming and crying. Jimin tried rocking him or holding him while the rest ran around the house trying to find something to cheer him up. Eventually Yoongi had  to to stop, his chest hurting and vision turning black. His sniffled into Jimin's chest, finally relaxing as he became exhausted. "Baby what's wrong?" Jimin tried again. Yoongi sniffled slightly and took a shaky breath as he calmed himself. "H-hurts.." he gripped onto Jimin's shirt.
"Hurts? What hurts?"
Yoongi pointed to his neck and head, reaching down to his stomach. Now that he had calmed dowm, the other members walked into the room.
Yoongi was passed out in Jimin's arms and was running a fever. Jin carefully picked him up from the younger and took him to the living room, telling Namjoon to go buy medicine and laying Yoongi on the couch.

"Ahhh, I don't like it Taehyungie! Make it stop!" Yoongi whined, Tae's hand on his thigh and in his hair to stop the sick from getting in it. Yoongi suddenly jerked forward and threw up into the toilet bowl again. (AGUST D JUST CAME ON OML THIS IS SUCH A CHANGE FROM LITTLE YOONGI I'M STRUGGLING OKAY BACK TO WHISTLE, BACK TO WHISTLE OK) Taehyung turned to Jin who was leaning against the door frame, looking at Yoongi with a concerned look etched across his brows. "Where is he?" Jin checked his watch. Namjoon had been gone for two hours, just for medicine for Yoongi. "It hurrrrrts!" Yoongi held his arm across his stomach, the tightening feeling returning as he gagged into the toilet bowl, nothing coming up. He started crying as he couldn't breathe while he was gagging, Taehyung rubbing circles into his back with the hand that was on his thigh.
The front door opened and slammed shut again. "Where's Yoongi?" Namjoon rushed to the bathroom when he heard Yoongi gag into the bowl and cry harder. "Yoongi? Look, I got you special medicine, it tastes like cherry. You like cherry, right? It took me ages to find and it'll make you feel better." Namjoon tried, but Yoongi just shook his head and flushed the toilet, finished throwing up. Taehyung carefully picked him up and carried him to the couch as smoothly as he could without bumping him too much. When Yoongi was settled on the couch and hadn't been sick for a few hours, Namjoon and Jin tried again.
"Do you want to try some of this cherry medicine now?"
"Mm-mm." Yoongi shook his head slightly and crossed his arms stubbornly. (@-Boo-Boo- Why'd I think of you glaring at me right then? 😂♥️) Jin sighed. He knew Yoongi wasn't going to give in.
"Would you feel better if I gave you a lolly first?" Jin baited Yoongi who of course opened his mouth for the sweetie (As I said I'm British and I'm correct come at me) in Jin's hand, not noticing or caring about the already filled spoon of medicine in Jin's other hand. Namjoon looked at Jin, knowing what he was about to do.  Yoongi opened his mouth wider for Jin to give him the sweet but instead the bitter cherry liquid was in his mouth, Jin's hand blocking him from spitting it out. Yoongi cried as Jin held his mouth shut and stared at him hatefully, shaking his head to try move Jin's hand which didn't move away. The others looked as Jin "shhh"ed him and stroked his hair gently, feeling sorry for Yoongi but also knowing that this was the only way to make him feel better. Yoongi cried harder and eventually had to swallow the medicine, making his throat burn even more and his tongue tingle unpleasantly. Jin moved his hand off of Yoongi's mouth and hugged him closer. "I'm sorry, baby, you wouldn't take your medicine... I hate seeing you upset, I'm sorry..."
Yoongi eventually got drowsy by the medicine and fell asleep on the couch, Tae, Hobi, Jungkook, and Jimin all rushing around to find his paci, blankets, teddies, and to kiss him goodnight.

Edited. Watppad is fucking up bad right now so sorry for anything that happens to this. I have it all saved in my phone so if it gets deleted somehow I can write it out quickly again.... IM SORRY IM AS PISSED AS YOU.

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