29. You Scream For Ice Cream

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Holy fucking shit guys, 100k. I'm sober for this one don't worry, I'm just so thankful and genuinely surprised. I wrote this for myself but after some time it grew into much more and I'm so grateful for it. Thanks guys 💕

Little Yoongi was really a sight to behold. His eyes like little pools of dark honey in the golden sunlight that slips through the cracks in the curtains, his eyelashes were short but thick with a lot of strands packed together tightly just beneath his lids that hide behind themselves when his eyes open far enough. Eyebrows thin and straight, enough to frame his little forehead that settles above his diamond cheekbones and mochi-like cheeks. Pale and smooth skin around his lips that are pink from his dummy and lined with a sweet honey smile and held up by a small button like nose, cute and small. Powdery pink under his pretty little eyes from when the heating was on a little bit too high earlier that morning, and a few strands if hair falling into his face, the rest pushed back carelessly.
All so perfect and all so pretty.

Except when he cries.

Don't get me wrong, he's still gorgeous, but his tears interrupt the blush across his cheeks and the glaze of water dilute the honey around his pupils. Drops of his tears cling to his eyelashes and weigh them down, his eyebrows ruffled by how many times he's wiped his eyes. Sweat from how worked up he is has made his hair dirty, and his lips are bitten and sore with snot leaking slightly from his now rubbed-raw nose. Yoongi almost never really and truly cried, but the times that he did were awful; his cried just covered what he was really upset about, which was almost always something silly.
This time was one of those times. It was just ice cream. Jin had picked up banana split flavour instead of double chocolate chip, and Yoongi was not impressed.

"I'll run back and get more then!"
"Fine then have banana split."
"Then I'm going to get the one you want."
Seokjin was just met with a scream and furrowed eyebrows, followed by a shooting pain in his head. He signalled for Jungkook to take Yoongi and quickly shot out of the door to grab the ice cream he so loudly requested.
"Hey baby, sh sh sh it's okay, I've got you." Jungkook scooped Yoongi up despite the older's punches and kicks in protest.

"Daddy no! Put down! Put DOWN!"

"Not happening baby boy, now come on we're going to bed." Jungkook winced at the multiple punches and slaps and squirming of the Little in his arms as he opened his bedroom door and set Yoongi down on the bed before closing and locking it.

"Are you okay?"
"This isn't about ice cream is it?"
Jungkook sighed. He knew it wasn't about something like ice cream, even though Yoongi had thrown tantrums over this before, he was just crying this time. Nothing was thrown and nothing was yelled that was full of insults and anger. Yoongi had punched and kicked and hit, but he was just scared of Jungkook finding out what was wrong and thinking he was weird.

"Then what is it baby? I'm here to listen."
Yoongi just shook his head and climbed into Jungkook's lap, legs on either side of Jungkook's waist with his head buried into the younger's neck, Jungkook's arms wrapped around his small frame.
"M-missed ou-our time Daddy..." The mumble was quiet, barely audible, but Jungkook still caught it.

"Our time as in... Us?"
"No, as in... us" Yoongi's voice was clearer now, but only because he took his head from Jungkook's neck and was instead looking him in the eyes. And then Jungkook caught on.
Yoongi didn't miss being Jungkook's boyfriend, he missed everything else. Kisses, dates... sex? Kook was actually quite glad that was what he meant because, as much as he loved everything that came with it, the label was just too much for them both.

"Do you want to... be my not-boyfriend again..? Is that why you were crying so much?"
"... Yes..."
"I'd love to." Jungkook smiled as Yoongi looked up from playing with the younger's hoodie strings nervously with a carefully hopeful look in his eyes.

Then the door slammed and Jin was home.
That god damned ice cream.

It's not as long as I would have liked it to be for a 100k celebration, so in return would y'all like a purely smut chapter that follows on from this?
Seriously, thank you all so much.

(Any and all hateful, rude, or disrespectful comments on how I wrote this chapter and where it leads will have the user reported and blocked.)

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