17. The New Girl

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They didn't know where to start. First Yoongi was sleeping on the sofa and they had to move him to his room, second Jin had been caught kissing Namjoon by big Yoongi who was confused as fuck- they kinda pushed him into Little Space before he could ask too many questions. And third, Jeongyeon was bringing Nayeon over.

Now Yoongi had only seen other Littles when he was big, so no one could guess how he'd react to the other Little girl. She was really shy- they had met her before. When she was big she also acted quite Little, all aegyo and smiles, so the only big difference was that she was confident when big but really shy when in Little Space.

Jungkook, Tae, Jimin, Hoseokie, Namjoon and Jin had all met her before when they went to the girls' dorm to discuss songs and business. Yoongi was in the studio so hadn't met any of them before.
They spoke about Yoongi when Chaeyoung ran in wearing a simba onesie and being chased by Mina, and then when Nayeon giggled while running too- thinking it was a game, when actually Chaeyoung was running away from naptime and so was Nayeon. That's when Jeongyeon came in holding both of their blankies and sliding to the floor, out of breath. They arranged a play date with Nayeon first since she wasn't as troublesome as Chae and Yoongi would be really shy too.

So they woke Yoongi up instead of moving him since Nayeon would be there soon.
"Mmmm..." Yoongi whined at feeling the paci and woke up, blinking at Jungkook. By his facial expression, he was definitely Little.
"Hey baby! Come on, we have a friend coming!"
"F.. Friend?"
"Yeah! Her name's Nayeon! You know from Twice, right? She's Little too!"
Jungkook helped Yoongi up and wrapped him in his blanket.
"N-Nayeon, Little?"
"Yeah! You're gonna make a friend! She'll be here soon... do you wanna make her some cupcakes? Her Mommy (im british but fuck off it's spelled like that now) is gonna bring her over! She said Nayeonie likes fairy cakes." Jungkook smiled and picked up the Little Yoongi, Jin went into the kitchen and got out all the ingredients and smiled as Yoongi was placed on the counter and he started playing with some flour that fell from the bag.
"Hey Prince! Look!" Jin blew some flour off his hand and onto Yoongi's face- resulting in the Little giggling loudly and throwing some back.

So they were mixing the batter, Yoongi sticking his tongue out, brows furrowed, eyes crinkled and body tense. He was stirring with everything he had, and he got so red faced that Jin had to take over. In no time they were in and out of the oven, the icing carefully splashed on and the tiny sugar butterflies- left over from Jimin's birthday cake a week ago- were put on each one. Just as they all stood back to look at them, the doorbell went and Namjoon got it- a loud chorus of "Hi!"
"Oh hey! Nayeoni say hi!"
"Come on baby, you know Namjoonie Oppa, right?"
"Hey Little one! I have a friend for you!" Namjoonie stepped aside and closed the door behind Nayeon and Jeongyeon.
Nayeon gasped and smiled, pulling on Jeongyeon's sleeve.
"M-Mommy look! C... C-Cupcakes!"

Imma leave this here and do more later, I've actually been working on this for ages but it never seemes right...? Still don't like it really, but I'll fix it next time :))

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