20. Blank

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"Please Yoongi, I just-"
"You just what?? Do you know how much I trusted you? And suddenly, you're using Little Space to take advantage of me is that it?? While I'm all happy and playing, I'm not enough for you? No Jungkook, I don't care." Yoongi was laying on his bed, his back to the door where Jungkook stood helplessly. He wasn't getting forgiveness any time soon.
"Please... I don't know what happened, we went to lunch because Seokjin Hyung was busy playing with you and she kissed me but that's all... I... I'm sorry."
"You couldn't tell me? You couldn't explain yourself?"
"You wouldn't let me, I-"
"You had every chance, Jungkook. Go."
Yoongi pulled the blanket higher, over his shoulder, blocking out Jungkook. He waited for the door to close, the footsteps to fade away, until he started crying.

By the time Seokjin went to bed, Yoongi was sleeping on a pillow 4 shades darker than usual. Seokjin woke him up so his cheek wouldn't get irritated by the wet fabric.
"Yoongi-yah... come on, let me change your pillow."
"... D... Daddy, I'm sorry..."
"It's Jinnie, baby, come on..." Seokjin helped Yoongi up, his tears still slightly falling, and took him to the kitchen.
Jungkook was there, and seeing Yoongi with tears in his precious eyelashes broke him into pieces.
"No, Jinnie..." Yoongi mumbled. "No wanna sit with Daddy." But Seokjin just shuffled him onto a chair, knowing Yoongi wasn't one to whine so much when he was tired.
"Yoongi..." Jungkook started as Seokjin went to change his sheets.
"Daddy, I'm sorry!"
Jungkook was shocked, just sitting there looking at the again crying Yoongi.
"W... why are you sorry?"
"Yoongi was mean!! I'm sorry Daddy!" He cried loudly and Seokjin walked out, looking at Jungkook as if to ask what he had done.
"I... I love you Yoongi... I'm so sorry but it wasn't me... She... She kissed me and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you." Jungkoom put his hand over Yoongi's.
"S'okay Daddy... I love you too."

"YOU KNEW ABOUT IT?" Nayeon screamed down the phone at a now big Yoongi who flinched. She had called to tell Yoongi about the whole thing after she found out from Tzuyu that she saw them kissing when walking past the cafè they were in.
"Hey! As soon as I found out, I was sorting my boyfriend out! I was going to tell you but I thought you'd yell." Yoongi tentatively spoke into the phone. Everyone was around him, Nayeon on speaker.
"YELL? OF COURSE I'D YELL!" Yoongi heard a door open on Nayeon's side.
"Who are you talking to?"
"Oh really? Do you want to ask if we can go over?"
"Oh so you can kiss his boyfriend again?"
"Well... I doubt we're having another play date..?"
Everyone laughed.
Jungkook was forgiven.
Well, almost.
Jimin was still glaring.

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