Born Of Darkness (Character Short 1)

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Your POV- Unknown Time, Many Years ago.

Darkness... It brings new life into the world, something made inside its womb. Making forth a creature of its own being.

Salem, your mother, wanted power, destruction, her brood. So, she wanted to create something powerful... Something she could control... born from her and powerful like her.

So, she went to have another powerful being to give her a child that would harbor both but be of a Grimm's soul.

And in doing so, she succeeded in creating you. Your real father, being unknown to you, only that he was a powerful young man who loved you, and willingly gave Salem a child, you into this world.

So born in darkness... The womb of evil... The mother of Grimm...

You breathe life into your lungs as she gave birth to you, having your body cloaked in shadows, your entire body slowly changing as Salem wanted it to be. Turning you into a humanoid Grimm with her power and of your father.

She took you in her arms, giving you her breasts so you can consume her corruption. Soon after, your life started to grow... Slowly you grew, eyes dark with red... Body pale and cracked...

You showed your Grimm... but only Human you were in figure. Salem looked at you with disgust, while only adoring your power. Slowly you felt the dark presence of the shadow you once considered your home. 

Salem had wasted no time to make you unlock your power, making you channel your fear and anger, causing everything around you to be slaughtered or destroyed... Salem laughed and grinned at your power.

Just a young child, born with darkness, with a curse. Making use of himself by causing destruction for a mother who sees him as a weapon.

But soon, a light fought, took you away from here. It hugged you and soared into the sky with you in its arms. Slowly bringing you to the surface, as the light burned against your face, you made yourself adjust.

Then as you started birth, you lay on the ground, only 4 years old, all of your memories lost in your own mind... Until now...

Your Parents found you, alone in a ditch, tears in your eyes. They took it upon themselves to care for you, and raise you as their own. And by this transaction made you human, they never saw the Grimm in you, they only saw a child who was alone...

Then the long journey of Hardships and Fellowship bloomed and here you are...

But the dream of memory takes you only so far back and forward. Darkness will always come calling. Destiny calls for its victims and brings them into the circle of its creation. Your life is a curse while being a blessing... You don't let it stop the fires of passion and determination burning inside your soul, your flesh and bones.

A swarm of dark hands come all around you, slowly grabbing up your leg and pulling you down into the deep muddy abyss. You try to scream for help, but your voice can no longer speak. You try to fend off the hands, but they dig deep into your arms and legs, making it impossible to move.

Slowly the dark figures like bats, swarm into a giant pile that looms over you, picking you up and dunking you in the dark fragments of your life. Breaking free, you jump away, not able to hear yourself think or talk, which makes it hard for you to see anymore with it affecting you this much.

Then slowly, you see a black shadowy figure walk towards you, with an evil grin, it points at you. Causing a slight chill of fear as they reach out towards you then slowly, darkness fades and your eyes blacken, and you are drowned in its force....

-7:50 Am

You shot up from your nightmare, making a small yell and heavy breathing. You frantically search for Weiss, who is sleeping on your arm. Wiping off the sweat from your head, you relax back and let Weiss get comfortable on your shoulder. She looks so beautiful and loving to you.

Wrapping your arms around her, and holding her close gives you a warm feeling. It awakens a new sense of ease and love. You kiss her head, and she smiles as you do. Slowly you feel tired and try to rest again for your own sake.

You: I was created by Salem... And the father who was so powerful to get Salem's interest... Making this hard aren't we me? Well... I don't blame myself, as this dream is real. I have myself along with the people who love me dearly...

Slowly you close your eyes, bringing Weiss in your embrace, making your sleep start to happen and you hold her hands as you both sleep... Your soul-warming to hers and diving into her own heart dreams...The journey is far from over... Making this a whole lot more valuable... and memorable...

Due to some issues and problems, I am facing in life, I am now promoting my Patreon to anyone who wants to support me financially, this not only will provide me with some sort of income, however small or large it is, that will allow me to focus even more effort into writing for you guys. It is entirely your decision to check it out and provide me with any money you want to give me, the lowest starting is 5 minimum. Entirely up to you again, is my Pateron for you to visit! Well, I will See you all in the Next one! Thanks again!

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