Just Qrowing Around (Character Short 2)

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Your POV 4:53 Pm Before Vol.1

You have been walking with Qrow for a long time, it's been 8 months since you have been traveling together. You two have been following tracks left by wheels.

Qrow: Keep up Kid! It's not much of a walk now. You know carrying that giant sword is always going to weigh you down.

You: Whatever Master Qrow, it is atoned with me, so it barely has any effect on me, it's just this blazing sun on my back that is slowing me down.

Qrow: You are such a pipsqueak, Pick up the pace, why did I ever take you under my wing...?

You: I had nowhere else to go, I witnessed my family die by my cousin. And the fact I can kick Grimm ass with my abilities.

Qrow: Heh... That's right... God, I am drunk. and just for that, you can have a swig of my drink. *Pulls out a flask, takes a quick gulp, and hands it to you*

You take the flask and start to take a couple of gulps of the whiskey. For some reason, it tastes super good as always and you don't feel buzzed from the drink at all. Qrow quickly found you to be his best drinking buddy since you can never get drunk.

You give him back his flask and he feels it, noticing the weight of it, and looks at you with a smile. Then places it away in his pocket.

You make it clear that you are no pushover and can stay at Qrow's pace. But soon the open field you guys are in turns into a deep forest.

Qrow: Keep your guard up kid, we are most likely to run into trouble here, I know you show no fear to hostiles but that doesn't mean you have to be reckless. Just remember what you learned from me.

You: Yes Master Qrow.

After several minutes of walking, the road starts to show signs of use as the tracts of wheels like before imprint into the ground. Right next to them are Grimm footprints in them. Sounding a cause for concern in both you and Qrow.

You both nod and race ahead, drawing your weapons. Qrow knows they might be in trouble, so you get your two Crimson Roses ready. You had promised Qrow you would not use Grimm Hunter until you were ready to use it in a special time.

The smell of destruction fills your nose, making you stop a bit away, looking ahead. Groups of Beowolves are attacking a small caravan. Both you and Qrow rush in to save as many as you can.

You fire at a group of 5 attacking a woman and her children, they set their eyes on you, charging you. Jumping over them you switch to blade mode, slashing their legs and arms. They turn to swipe you, but you duck right under them stabbing one in the neck and tearing off its head.

The other 4 try to attack you, but they slowly fall apart as the tendons and muscles you cut just a bit ago start to rip and tear away until their own weight makes them completely fall off. They die and fade away, you see the woman run off with her children.

Qrow takes on a pack, deflecting and attacking them with full force. You jump ahead giving him supporting fire, then killing the ones behind him. Then you both get back to back, Qrow grabs you and launches you into the air.

Then on your way back down, he fires the Nevermore coming right at you, stunning it. Then as you are about to land, he swings his sword and launches you from it, soaring like a bird, you stab and cut right through the Nevermore. Its screeches muffle out and die when it fades away.

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