Shadows (Character Short 3)

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Your POV

You have been with Blake and Sun for a while, as you walk with them in the market. You 3 are looking for a spy for the White Fang who needs to be captured for questioning. You have fully recovered from the poison in your system and have all of your equipment.

You stray behind Sun and Blake, who looks over the documents on the target, making you remember when you were at Beacon, working for Ozpin. Over the cast in the dark, you worked for him, counting to 43 operations total until the fall of Beacon.

Some came out to be cases with criminal actions that took minutes to complete and finish, to clearing out entire nests and colonies of Grimm that took hours, days, a week maybe two. Some have to deal with the White Fang and clear some of their high-ranking officials or bases. But there was one of a few operations that will stay with you forever.

Flashback- 8 Months ago...

You were assigned with your 14th mission from Ozpin, what was supposedly a simple classified hostage rescue turned out to be a living nightmare of horrors that will always stay in your mind.

Ozpin's message: You are to head into Vacuo and find a village's taken woman and children from what we suspect are White Fang operatives who are trying to get ransomed money from the men of the village. But we are on the case, and you are to first confirm and rescue the hostages and eliminate the suspected targets. Then find out anything while you are there and bring it back to me ASAP. End of Message.

You: I always have these stealthy missions to do, might as well go through cause nothing better to do and it's my job now. I am close to the base, but I don't see the entrance of the intel we had on this...

You walk around the area to see a grouping of obscured boxes laid out. Upon checking them, there is a message on the boxes, "Here is the money, please give our families back.." It is the ransomed money the villagers are giving.

You take this time to notice that one of the boxes is missing and you see the tracks in the dirt. You get low to the hot ground to pinpoint how long these go and how old. Taking the light from the sun of time, you conclude in one minute that these are 20 minutes old, just barely far from here, at least one mile.

Then you use Ruby's Speed to get there in 30 seconds. As you arrive at the end of your prediction, you see a vast area of burned buildings and cages. The smell of the dead fills your nose, causing you to be nauseous. Then you see a group of people ahead of you, not noticing your giant figure.

You swiftly hid in the shadows of a container holding something dead and foul. Wrapping a cloth that you pulled out of your pocket around your face to obscure the smell. You look to see that those people seem to be holding weapons and from their troubled expressions they seem to be the ones you are looking for.

You see an opportunity to rush towards them and draw Grimm Slayer, causing the group to be surprised by your arrival. They draw their weapons at you, one swinging their mace towards you. If you take the time to shatter with the hilt of your blade, this causes his hand to be smashed and a finger broken. He screams back in pain as the other 3 charges you.

Ducking under slashes from a sword and blocking a gunshot, you kickflip two in the jaw, which causes them to fall to the ground. The last one grazes your cheek with his shot, you twist around with your sword and slash his gun in two then you force a knee to his gut.

He falls to his knees and by dodging the weapons behind him, they slash the guy in front of him in the face knocking him out.

Pulling out Scarlet Rose you fire stun rounds into the two targets which incapacitates them. You grab the man who you broke his finger and pull him forcibly to you.

You: Where are the hostages!? Tell me god damn it!

Man: A..Hhh..! They... They were...!

You: Tell me where they are, and I will let you off with the cops and not my blade!!

Man:.. Grimm... attacked us.. Killed most of us while at camp.. A fire broke out and burned.. everything.. No time to do anything about them..

You: Wait.. What are you saying..?!

Man: We returned.. to find them all dead.. So.. we wanted to grab some of the money.. and run from this nightmare..!

You: Where Are The Hostages!!

Man:..In the cages.. and containers...!

The guy passes out from the pain and you drop him the sudden realization of what he said. You turn tail and run back to the camp and to the container. You slash the door open and it falls down, as it does, a huge wave of Rotten, burned, and foul smells burn your nostrils.

You look in horror as you see piles of burned and melted bodies together. You see the adults tried to protect the children and died with them and burned by the heat of the fires and killed them.

Your terrified face makes you walk back in horror and shock, you trip over something and fall to the ground, you feel a disgusting flesh on your arm and back. You turn your head to see the burned corpse of a woman who has some of her face still left with no eyes left.

You yell in horror and crawl back away and look all around the area. You now notice the burned piles of bodies in cages and containers. You look around and then it gets too much and you fall down to your knees and vomit onto the ground...

After hours of walking back, you told the village of the terrible news.. Of what happened and the faces of broken men run past you to go see for themselves. You stand there mortified and soulless.

You report to Ozpin as you arrive back in Beacon, having a couple of days to recover from that event, and told him the story. He says his sympathies and wishes it would be different.. Then he gave you the rest of the time with your team which you didn't tell them of that incident.. and will never will..

Present Time

After shaking off that memory, you split from Blake and Sun to find the second target who was Ilia, Blake's old friend who is part of the White Fang. You hid in the crowd with your hood over your head, you looked around the area in search of her.

But then the sounds of gunshots are heard in the distance and you look around to the sound, then you see Ilia on the rooftops and running along them. You jump onto the buildings and run along them, she notices you and fires her whip towards you.

 You duck under them and sweep her legs, and she falls and slides on the roof but recovers to blast the roof and cause a smokescreen. You leap after her block her attack and tackle her to the ground. You both fall to the ground and she kicks you in the Jaw.

She rolls up and attempts to attack, you block and she kicks off of you and throws a smoke bomb at you, which blinds you for a few seconds. You regain your vision to see her escape and you try to follow her.

You find Blake and Sun in an alleyway and reach them, knowing that both targets escaped and you must return back to the house...

Thank you guys for reading this character short, I hope you enjoyed it and hoped it helped give you more about the character, Again I would like to have more ideas or things you guys want to know about the character. So please do that and There will be one more character short that will be tied to the show. But there is still more to be written with your help and ideas..  But thank you guys again and I will see you in the next one...

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