Unsolved Conflict Pt.2 (Ch.10)

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Ruby- Your POV- 5:33 Am

You sit with Qrow watching, as the team is examining Oscar. They ask him random and funny questions about his correlation to being Ozpin. You take your time to zone out momentarily as you process some thoughts. Then suddenly, Qrow speaks out to all of the murmurs coming from the team.

Qrow: Okay, Okay. Let's all take a second to remember this is overwhelming for everyone.

The team blinked and looked at Qrow for a moment and then looked at Oscar doing the same thing. Then they all back away quickly with nervous chuckles to their mistake of pressuring Oscar a little too much.

Oscar: Thanks.

Everyone gets settled down, and tensions calm down for a bit. You stand up to walk a bit to face Oscar and give him a kind look. Then you turn to Ruby, who gives you a kind smile.

Qrow: We need to talk. Mind showing us your little parlor trick, kid?

Oscar groans as he knows it sucks doing it because he could feel uneasy; you focus on this as your eyes scan Oscar; you see two different soul wavelengths. One bright green of Ozpin, and the other clear blue of Oscar. But they are merged to be Bright yellow green.

Oscar: Yeah, Okay. So that you know, I'll still be here.

You watch as Oscar takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. The Aura wavelengths switch as the Green of Ozpin overtakes Oscars and soon stores Oscar in the middle. Then, with a flash, you watch Oscar shift and move up a bit; a resemblance to Ozpin is shown, and then it reverts to Oscar. He opens his eyes to be bright yellow like Ozpins, but soon it fades back to Oscars.

Ozpin: It is so very good to see you again, students.

Jaune: Wait, what just happened?

Ren: Professor.... Ozpin?

Ozpin: Correct. Although I may be the one speaking, Oscar is still present, mentally. He's merely handed over the control, so to speak.

But then, deep down, you hear Oscar speak, hearing his words, "Just don't make us do anything embarrassing..." You have a slight chuckle at this and find it very funny. But you soon get serious about listening in.

Ozpin: I am afraid this all may be very perplexing.

Nora: And alarming, and bizarre, and just really kind of hard to believe overall!

Ozpin: It's good to see you children still have your sense of humor. I know you've all been through tremendous hardship already. I'm sorry.

Ruby: I mean, it's not your fault.

Ozpin: It's all my fault. I told you once that I made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet, and I wasn't exaggerating. I'm... cursed. For thousands of years, I've walked the surface of Remnant, living, dying, and reincarnating in the body of a like-minded soul.

These words suddenly tick something off in your mind; it causes you to back away from the scene for a little as a burning sensation causes your mind to wobble, and flashes start to appear before stopping just after. You shake your head and continue to listen in.

Ozpin: The Professor Ozpin you all met was not my first form, and clearly wasn't my last. It's... extraordinarily strenuous process on everyone involved.

Jaune: So, who... what... are you?

Ozpin: I am the combination of countless men who've spent their lives trying to protect the people of Remnant. With every rebirth, my soul is eventually merged with another, and I am changed, but my memories stay with me. This curse was bestowed upon me by the gods because I failed to stop Salem in the past.. -Y/N's Mother.. But we must stop her now.

You: My mother..

Ozpin: Hmm..?

You: You said you failed to stop her in the past.. How?

Ozpin: Let's say I shall tell that story in due time.. funny enough.. I was supposed to stop your birth.. But I even failed to do that, ironically.. my failure at that time did not have consequences.. Because here you are now.. Well and powerful, and even resisted her corruption and used it for good. I am proud of that.. Proud like how your father..-

You: My father?!

Ozpin: Shoot.. I said too much..

You: Wait..? My true father?

Ozpin: *Sighs* Why did I let it slip.. I have said too much; your father's Identity is not important.. Trust in my words that it is true; you shouldn't know..

You stand there shocked for a minute.. Your eyes are wide with suspense, but soon, you cross your arms and turn away from everyone. Thoughts of your father race in your mind, you soon calm yourself. Slowly, you turn back to Ozpin.

You: You're right, Oz; I shouldn't know my father's identity.. Sorry about my quick outburst.

Ozpin: No, it is okay; soon enough, you will learn, but now is not the time; right now, it's best if we focus.

You: Indeed.

Ruby: S..So.. What now..?

Nora: Yeah! This drama makes all of Ren's pancakes in my belly want to vomit.

Ren: Huh?

Nora: Sush, it's nothing to worry about.

Ozpin: Well.. We start... by ensuring the safety of the Relic of Knowledge.

You: The Relic.. That is right.. I have a clean copy and real Fall Maidens power, but that means I won't access the Relic here cause that is the Spring relic..?

Ozpin: Yes, this is correct; regarding on these plans, even if we do not succeed in gaining the Springs's cooperation and she may fight us, we would need you to help copy her ability; it would help more than facing and trying to capture or convince the Spring Maiden.

You: I see.. Well, let us hope that may never pass if it does appeal....

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