Unsolved Conflict Pt.3 (Ch.11)

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Weiss- Your POV 9:43 Pm

You awake from your unconscious state in a small wooden cell, sitting next to a lying down Weiss. You have been stripped of your weapons, cloak, and armor pieces. You look around in the dark area of your prison and some camp area. Most likely where Raven's tribe is. You get to your feet. Still a little wounded from the crash but strong enough to move around. You step into the cage and hear a voice call to you.

???: Well, look who is awake; Raven was starting to get worried a bit about you. But she does not need to worry any longer.

You: What..? Where am I..?

???: You are in a prison cell, but the location is the Branwen tribe's home. You are of interest to our leader, Raven. She has a liking to you, which is very rare but not out of the question, I mean.. I can see why; check you out; you are a stud.

You start to blush at her words; she comes into view with short brown hair and icy blue eyes. She steps up to the cage with a big smirk and opens the door, letting you out and closing it behind you.

Vernal: My name is Vernal, and I am here to escort you to Raven. Don't try to get any funny ideas; you may be handsome, but I will lay you out flat. Have you got that?

You: Y..Yes, I got it.

Vernal: Good, now let's go. We do not want to keep her waiting.

You follow behind Vernal, looking back at Weiss on the floor. You take a deep breath and look around, getting a good view of the area and taking mental notes before Vernal speaks to you.

Vernal: So, how are you unique to Raven? She has not said much about you, only just how you look and are quite... "Dreamy," which she is not wrong; I bet you would have cute children with any girl.

You: *Blushing* I.. I would like it if you did not talk and compliment me like that.. I..It's kinda of embarrassing that you say those things..

Vernal: Handsome and Cute, next thing to ultimately sell me is how you fight, then I will fall overboard. *Winks* Just between you and me, I think you could fit in this place judging on Raven's word. But still, you are our property.

You: *Still Blushing* I would live to a great name in combat, even without Grimm Slayer.

Vernal: Well, maybe then you can show me soon enough. But, we are here, so maybe after the meeting.

Vernal takes you up a small flight of steps to a giant tent; she opens it up, and you step inside with her.

Vernal: Raven, I have him as you requested.

Raven: Good, it is time to catch up.

You see, Raven has her back turned as she looks at a giant map. She then turns toward you as she addresses you. She has Grimm Slayer in her hand; comparing, it seems the same size as her sword, funny enough.

Vernal: Mind letting me stay for this?

Raven: Sure, it could be pretty fun.

You: What do you mean by that?

Raven: Oh, just a friendly chat and your little secret, or should I say "Secrets"?

You: What?

Raven: Oh, don't play dumb with me; I know there are four of you split across to each member of Team Rwby: One for Ruby, you with Weiss, One with that Faunas, and one with my daughter.

You: How do you know about that..??

Raven: Let's say I have eyes in the sky looking over most of you, and let it be that.

Vernal: So you are saying there are three more of him besides the one we are facing now?

Raven: That is correct; Salem had split him in four, which was perfect enough to let him watch over each girl. But making each one's power only 25% at max is still enough for him to accept any fight. I wonder, since it has been well over eight months since you have split, each piece of you must have gotten stronger over that time; Imagine, those 25% pieces of you have surpassed that limit and reached more substantial, then you all come back and fuse, how powerful you would be?

Vernal: True; if he did regain all of his power and more of it, he could be able to take on a lot if you say he is faithful, Raven.

You: Well then.. Since you know my secret, what now?

Raven: Well, now, we will have some fun with you.

You watch as Raven steps toward you; Vernal watches, waiting to see if she needs to be called to attention, letting Raven start touching your face, looking around, and checking you out. You begin to get a feeling of worry about what to come next, so you try to stay still....

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