Treacherous Feelings (Ch.21)

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Ruby- Your POV- 9:45 Pm

Before meeting with your group with Lionheart, you visit Sienna's apartment. You open the door to find her watching T.V. her wounds are almost healed, and she seems to be looking better now.

Sienna: Oh hey -Y/N, it's been a few days since we last seen each other. What's up?

You: I am about to head to Professor Lionheart with the party; I just wanted to let you know.

Sienna: Oh, I see, just be careful. Adam is still here and could strike with the White Fang at any minute, the coward.

You: I know that, so I am prepared for the worst tonight. If anything happens, I want you to stay here.

Sienna: What?! There is no way I want to be there for you when you are in danger. It's the least I can do for what you have done for me, and you have indeed saved my life and taken good care of me. I won't sit by and let you get hurt or killed!?

You: I know, but you need to promise me you are better hidden for now, so when we need to help overthrow Adam, I will need your help to ensure it has a chance.

Sienna: still, I wouldn't say I like this. I care about you.. If you die on me, I don't know what to do next.. You have been making sure I was okay and not hurt. I owe you more than my life.

You: I know, Sienna, that's why I care about you too, and I'd rather have you stay here safe and not fight with your injuries close to being done healing. You might mess up, and it could cost you your life.

Sienna: F..Fine..

Sienna sits back down in a defeated look. You sit next to her and hug her. She hugs you back and licks your cheek. Giving you a jump as shock goes through your body, and you blush.

Sienna: Hehe, that's for good luck, Tiger.

You: I.. I umm hehe.. I got to go now.. T..Thanks.

Sienna: No problem, just come back for me.

You: I will hehe

You stand up and walk out the door; you watch as Sienna looks at you with a smile as you leave. You jump from each rooftop and hurry back to your party. Content on moving forward, you get there quickly...

Salem POV- Unknown Time

I wondered when Cinder would get rid of Qrow and his pathetic people.

Salem: Tyrian has failed to kill him and bring the girl; my own son has proven to be more of a pest than a worthy member. But I must remember what he could be for me if I could wrap my fingers around his soul. What I would do with it to help take over that retched world of Remnant. To ensure Cinder's victory, I must send him out.

Salem turns and walks towards a figure clouded in shadow, kneeling in front of her with dark intent inside his soul. He stands up in front of Salem. She places her hand on his shoulder with a wicked smile.

Salem: I entrust you to complete your mission and kill them. If -Y/N proves to be too much of a threat, kill him and bring his body back, I can still get his soul for myself.

???- As you wish *unheard sounds* I will complete my task.

Salem: Good.. Make up for everyone's mistakes. I will be waiting..

The shadowy figure then leaves in a mist that disperses, and Salem sits down with an evil smile.

Salem: Oh, you have your most significant challenge now, my son...

Ruby- Your POV- 10:12 Pm

You and everyone else have been walking just outside, where you will meet with Lionheart. You and Ruby stop to look around as everyone keeps moving and looking at the bright moon in the sky. You both continue, very content with your guy's mission. You all head inside and see the open room is quite massive and impressive.

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