Finale- Back In One Piece Pt.2 (Ch.25)

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Blake- Your POV

You and Blake run out and start taking out the White Fang,, and most start surrendering under the police. You see, Ilia has taken down a White Fang and restrains him down. You help put cuffs on his hands, and you touch her hand. Her cheeks peak in pink, and you chuckle.

You: You are doing a great job! Keep it up!

Ilia: T..Thank you!

You look to see Blake confronting Adam. You start to run towards them.

Adam: I'm going to make you regret ever coming back.

Blake: More police are on their way, Adam. Huntsmen too.

Adam: Still too afraid to face me on your own.

Blake: I'm here for Haven, not you.

You: Adam!

You slide next to Blake, and all of you draw your weapons and point at each other. You have a slight gleam in your eye that shows your finesse.

Adam: you are still afraid, and you should be. I've made powerful friends while you've been away.

Sun: Oh yeah? Where?

You: My mother only uses people for herself. She would not help anyone who needed her help.

Adam: Tell me,...does Blake make all her classmates fight for her?

Sun: Nah, it's a volunteer gig. I'm just sayin', for someone who claims to have such great friends,...there doesn't seem to be many people here willing to fight for you.

Blake: you can try and make me regret coming here, Adam...but honestly... I've got more important things to deal with.

Then Adam bursts in a rage and attacks Sun, who switches to Gun-chucks and blocks his attacks, and then you and Blake jump in and take him on. You secure his blade, and she kicks him in the chest. He tries to run away, but you jump over him and stop him in his place.

You: Where are you going? I hope you're not leaving without saying "Goodbye".

Adam: Rrraagghhhh!!!

You: Close enough.

You take a sidestep, and Adam misses your neck; you shoot your blade into the air and start to dodge each of his strikes while giving him a threatening smile. You begin to do a bit of dodging while dancing to piss him off.

Adam: Stop dodging, you coward!

You: Make me!

Adam tries to stab you, but your sword lands between you two, and you kick it into the air as it lands; the blade slices his cheek as you did, and you jump into the air, grab the blade, and bring it down. Adam rolls out of the way and attempts to strike you. But you pull a flash grenade and blow it right before him. He is stunned. You twirl your blade into Nora's Hammer, line up your shot, rewind the hammer, and then hit him in the chest, knocking him into the air.

You flip into the air and switch to Yang's Gauntlets, and with a double-hand fist, you shoot the gauntlets downwards into his back, which hits him into the ground. He bounces with a heavy thud. You roll under his bounce, switch to Jaune's weapons, and bash him with your shield. You twirled, and with the hilt of your sword, you knocked Adam down.

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