Tainted Path Pt.2 (Ch.2)

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Ruby- At Haven Academy, Your POV

You have been sightseeing the school but never entered into it, you were waiting for your team. You sit on the end of the fountain and look at the sky, you can hear all of the birds chirping all around. You see the team step out of the elevator and Ruby rushes into your arms and you catch her.

Ruby: Hiiiiii!!!!!

You: W..Whoa there Rubes, I see you missed me.

Ruby: Mhm! I missed youu! We have to meet Professor Lionheart and I am glad you waited!

You: Of course, I would never leave you or any of you I would wait as long as I can.

You give Ruby a nice sweet quick Kiss before everyone walks up to you two. Qrow glances at you and then a gentle smile giving you his fatherly affection. So, you and Ruby walk side by side in front of the group.

Ruby: We made it. We finally made it To Haven Academy.

You: Yeah, it's been like.. what..? 8 Months..?

Jaune: Yeah, just about under 9 Months since we left Ruby's home.

You let the group walk ahead of you and you tail behind Qrow, who has a mumbled grunt of displeasing, and you feel the same way.

You: It's too quiet right Qrow? 

Qrow: Yeah... Where is everyone...? I am sure they know better than to stay and prepare for students at least... but they should have focused on protecting the Relic... Something is not right here...

You: Agreed... I feel.. Like we are being watched or worse.. being led into something viler than we can imagine. 

Qrow: In with the fray, out with the pack like they say...

You: Hehe.. What's that from..?

Qrow: Oh, a little something I came up with.. More like a change from Ozpin.

You: Ozpin said similar...?

Qrow: Yeah, pretty much the same but he was detailed about it, I just skimmed it and made it more into a phrase.. It's a nice one to think about.. What he explained it was... You will always meet some people who you have never known or a society that looks at you with wonder and mystery.. And that is the fray.. A massive group that acts randomly and within reason to cause trouble. But as you lead your way out of them, you meet people, people who you befriend and love, People who you share your feelings and dreams with. Friends who take care of you and stick with you till your last day. They become your pack, your group, your family. I like to think he was trying to say, that even if people don't stand up or band together with you, you will always have a pack in the outcome who will stand and be in your heart and soul forever.

You: Wow.. He said all that..?

Qrow: Yep.. The reason why I skimmed it and made it into a nice Phrase.. I think it suits our situation for the most part.

You: Yeah.. But we are more than Friends.. Or just a pack.. We are a family.

Qrow: Well time is on our hands, and we must see to our matters.. Let's go, Kid, Let's take care of our "Family" Hehe.. I like that word more coming from your mouth. It suits you better hearing you say it is more powerful and reaching.

You: Heh.. Well Time to go Master Qrow, Let's follow up and catch up..

Qrow: Agreed..

Then you and Qrow slowly caught back to the group after your little chat and soon realized that things were about to get a little heavy lifting in morals and into a dark time of fight. Until you can solve the problem you all face, you all will spend time in this situation...

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