Soulless Love (Character Short 5)

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Your POV- 11:34 Am

You sat on your bed, next to Ruby who was sleeping in, your master, Qrow in the other bed resting from his wounds and the poison that was eradicated from you both. You kissed Ruby on her cheek, which made her smile, and a hot blush that ran through her Cheeks.

You smiled at her and rested on the bed with her, slowly you drifted off to sleep. As you do, you summon yourself into the Astral Sea. You appear in front of Pyrrha who is on her knees in front of you.

Her warm smile fills you with joy, as you hug her, and she hugs back. Diya is seen in the distance with his hands in his pocket looking at you two. He turns away and fades into the sea, leaving you two alone.

Pyrrha: Hey There.. Hehe. *Giggles*

You: Hey Pyrrha, how are you?

Pyrrha: I am wonderful, thank you for asking. I am bored from being in your..? I don't understand fully what I am in.

You: It's my soul, or what's left of it honestly.

Pyrrha: Your soul? 

You: Yeah, oddly enough, this is. That's why you can retain a form here, as my soul boasts your own, making you "Alive" Here. That's why I can happily do this.

You reach out, placing your hand on her cheek. Pyrrha Instantly blushes and grasps your hand with hers, then slowly eases her cheek into it with a warm smile on her face. Then you bring her forward into your arms and place your lips on hers. She kisses back with intent on making this last and she does a great job for it does last for what feels like an Eternity. Then you both slowly break the kiss with a blush and smile at each other.

Pyrrha: Hehe.. Yeah.. I quite very much enjoy that..

You: I just wish...

Pyrrha: Hmm..? What is it -Y/N?

You: I wish I could somehow bring you back.. Bring you back to life-

Pyrrha: No no.. It was my destiny.. I failed, I fell, I died. For who thinks it was not to happen.. Are blind to what fate and destiny are.. You need to understand that fully too.. It's not a fairy tale.. There are some good endings, but some may fall and perish. And I did, but I accept that.. and.. Jaune needs to too.. when he can.. I need you to help him see that..

You: I know that Pyrrha.. I know.. and Jaune is like a brother to me..

Pyrrha: Let me tell you a story, a lesson, something we all should know.

You: Go ahead.. I am listening..

Pyrrha: Death has meaning, some things.. can not be changed.. and sometimes it is for the better.. It can hold something in us back, like Ruby... It made her summon her inner strength to save those who were still alive. My death gave me meaning, strength, and life. And You should see that fully as well. You can't give up.. or try to end it there once someone who you love and felt sad about them going.. It is pointless.. How could you spend that time with them and just forget it all and disgrace it by leaving, trying to run away by not continuing your adventure in life, in the story, in the lives of others. Doing that, makes it pointless that you had those memories with them, you can't take it for granted, yes, You have the time to recover and let the pain pass, but don't give it up because of it.. Death has meaning.. and mine had its meaning..

You: Yeah.. I know Pyrrha.. And I love you.. I won't let your death be in vain..

Pyrrha: I know -Y/N..

Pyrrha wraps her arms around you and she slowly falls asleep in your arms and kisses your cheek. You smile and give her a nice long kiss afterward. Then you slowly fade back into reality. You open your eyes to see Ruby laying herself on top of you still sleeping and cuddling onto your chest. You have a giant smile and kiss her head again....

Due to some issues and problems, I am facing in life, I am now promoting my Patreon to anyone who wants to support me financially, this not only will provide me with some sort of income, however small or large it is, that will allow me to focus even more effort into writing for you guys. It is entirely your decision to check it out and provide me with any money you want to give me, the lowest starting is 5 minimum. Entirely up to you again, is my Pateron for you to visit! Well, I will See you all in the Next one! Thanks again!

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