Moving On (Epilogue)

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Your POV- 2:47 Pm

You sit in bed, recovering from the battle and slowly regaining your strength. The Team went out to do something and left you in bed.

You: I should tell Sienna that I need to leave, and she needs to stay here.

You grab your gear and go onto the rooftops, jumping closer and closer to the rooftops.

You land and look around where the hideout is. You see the door is slightly opened; you creep inside to find the place empty.

You: Sienna?

You attempt to search for her, but you fight nothing of her. You slightly panic, and before you run out, you see a letter on the table and take a look at it.

As you read the letter, you notice it is Sienna's.

Sienna's note: "If you read this -Y/N, then you are alive. Of course, you are. I watched you take on Adam and the White Fang. I knew you were going to leave, so I left first. I still love you, and I knew you would leave me behind. Just stay alive, Tiger. I must join the newly formed Fang on my own time, so please don't worry about me. I'll be alright on my own. Thanks for taking care of me, you silly human.

Yours truly~ Love Sienna <3.

You smile and take a small chuckle at the note before burning it just in case anyone finds it and hunts her. You grab your gear and walk back to your room.

Time Skip- 2 days later.

You are about one week before heading to Atlas. You sit on your bed while across from you is Weiss; she is sewing up a cloak for you since your last one was destroyed in the battle.

She starts to weave dust and Glyphs into it to make it more powerful and protective. She was giving it resistance and properties for battle.

Weiss: I am almost done; I just got to do the final stitching.

You: Thanks, Weiss; lovely to know you could do this well.

Weiss: Well, when you are forced to be a wife in training, you learn a few good things.

You chuckle with her, and she finishes the rest of your cloak. She shows it off to you.

The collar area is a lovely dark purple with a smooth look. The pin that holds it together is Everyone's symbols combined into its own.

The cloak is shaded in a dark black purple with dark crimson red and white outlining.

You look at it in amazement. She slowly wraps it around you and ties it to you. She then kisses you and smiles.

Weiss: So, what do you think?

You: It's incredible! It looks and feels so cool! I can feel the power and care you put into it.

Weiss: Hehe, well, I need to protect my man from danger in different ways.

You: You got that right. I hope this can last without damage.

Weiss: Oh, don't worry. I got some unique materials and dust, so it is self-repairable easily. It just needs water and time, and it will magically repair itself.

You: Wow! That's amazing!

Weiss: Yep! Just ensure you take good care of it, and it will take care of you.

You: I will.

Weiss smiles and leaves the room. Jaune then walks into the room in a confident mood.

Jaune: We are finally getting to places. No more running. It's time for us to start to push back.

You: Yes, it is, but our journey is far from over. We have one relic out of 4. We need to get the rest, but first, we need to get the relic to Atlas.

Jaune: You have any idea why?

You: Maybe it's far off, but maybe since the relic is a key, we could use it to open the Vaults. But one thing is sure: we will get there and try our hardest. We can't back down now.

Jaune: You're right.

You: We still have a week to go before heading into Atlas Jaune.

Jaune: Just so much has passed.

You: So much indeed. Anyway, let's go and still prepare for the journey ahead of us.

Jaune: Right.

You and Jaune walk out of your room and shut the door.

Time Skip- 3 Days later.

Salem POV- Unknown Time

My son has awakened the God in him.. But he used so much against his brother that he would need a long time to regain it. This gives me an opening I must take to take the relic they hold.

Don't worry, my son. Mother still loves you, but you will need some help if you want to face me..

Salem: I still have many children and many pawns.. They will ensure they do not fail. Otherwise, they will face the consequences...

???: Yes, you do, my lady, but Naito was the strongest with his God power. Do you think we should try something else for your Son?

Salem: That is a good idea; it is true Naito was one of the strongest, but that doesn't mean he had all of God's power I passed down.. No, no, no..

???: So, you are saying you gave it to your other children?

Salem: Precisely.. And they all are stronger in their ways.. I put my power into them for a reason..

???: Very well.. I will take my leave..

Salem: Vyir..

Vyir: Yes..? Mother?

Salem: Are you upset that I never gave you any?

Vyir: None at all; it makes me work harder than them. I have my intelligence and natural skills. That is quite enough for me to succeed.

Salem: That's why I speak to you most; you don't have many limits and know your place.

Vyir: Correct Mother. May I ask? Who are you going to send this time?

Salem: They will prove to me soon enough, that's all.

Vyir: Understood..

Vyir walks away, leaving Salem, who stands looking out with her fist clenched. Knowing that she has to deal with you is going to be risky...

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