Shattered Truth's (Ch.14)

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Ruby- Your POV 6:46 Pm

You left the group to train with Ozpin while you took your time to check on Sienna, who is still in the little hideout. You jump from each rooftop to the next until you land on the hideout. You open the top hatch and crawl inside while closing the door.

You see the lights are on, and sounds of water running are heard. You walk past the doorway and look around. You see Sienna washing some dishes and humming a very childlike and calming tune.

You: Nice tune, what's it from?

Sienna: Ahh..?! G..Gahh, don't scare me like that. How about you let me know when you come in?

You: I came from the hatch, so I would have thought you heard me, but I guess you were busy; I am sorry. Anyways, how are you here?

Sienna: Well, I am doing pretty well. My wounds have been healing very nicely, and I have found my strength has been returning at a nice pace. I will be well within a few weeks.

You: That is great to hear. I am glad I was able to help.

Sienna: Yes, thank you, but my betrayal still haunts me. I can not stand while Adam sits on the throne; he will make it worse for the Faunus. It's so aggravating.

You: I get your concerns, but the best you can do is rest and regain your power. Adam will get his pay due; you wait. He owes more than one person and me and people I know significantly.

Sienna: Yes, I know. He destroyed Beacon; I am sorry the White Fang was used for such a monstrous act.

You: Don't sweat it; focus on getting better.

Sienna turns and hugs you, and you hug her back. She seems to be emotional as you look at her. Seeing a softer side than the Sienna you heard about. Her ears tickle the underside of your chin, causing you to convulse a slight laughter. Sienna smiles and lets you go.

Sienna: You may go; I will be fine. I am grateful you check on me daily for a bit; it's very nice of you.

You: Of course, I hope you find it comfortable here.

Sienna: I very much do, thank you.

You: I must get back now; I will see you soon.

Sienna: Alright, take care.

You step outside, close the door, take one last look at Sienna, and then jump off the roof and speed yourself back to the group. But as you jump from each rooftop, you feel a slight shock, sensation in your head; it causes you to land poorly and roll to the ground. You reach your feet, holding your head as the pain is weakening and nauseating.

You: A..Ahh.. Jeez.. N..Not this..

You fall to one knee as the pain burns through your head, causing a slight nosebleed to drip from your nose. You wipe it with your hand and find your blood darker, making you panic as you see hollow figures before you. You try to make out what you see, but only slight silhouettes of two figures clashing; they seem to fight and fight, like it's destined to happen.

The figures carry different weapons and clothing each time they fight as you look on, like it's an endless cycle of death and destruction. You pound at your head to make it stop, but the pain rises. As you look back up, you see a blade swing across your face close to your eyes as one of the figures stares at you with a devious look before vanishing. You stare in disbelief. You can get to your feet but are confused about what happened.

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