Lasting Effects Pt.2 (Ch.6)

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Your POV, Mistral, near the White Fang's center. 9:04 Pm

Something called to you from Ruby and your group. After they went to bed and those who stayed up, you sneaked out of your room with Ruby to follow a calling of danger and mystery.

Keeping yourself hidden, you wrapped a small black scarf around your face, concealing your identity. You slowly creep around the White Fang, not engaging or showing yourself to them. You effortlessly sneak into the fortress and make your way to the main chamber, where you will most likely find Sienna Khan, the current leader of the White Fang, who resides in Mistral.

You hear voices coming from the main room. You climb on the walls to reach a small hidden vent, allowing you to see the main room, but you are too far away to hear anything; shouting would also be challenging to attend.

You: I wonder why I was called here.. Maybe a sign..? Maybe a warning I must hear..? Only time will tell at this moment..

You stare as you watch Sienna Khan sitting in her chair, waiting for someone. A few minutes pass; you watch Adam come from the main doors.

You: There is the damn bastard. I will make you pay for what you did to my Yang. The pain you caused on Blake.. And me. But not now.. unfortunately..

You watch as time progresses; a sizeable human man enters the room and joins the conversation, Sienna becoming hostile and furious.

You: What in hell.. What's going on..? Who is that man..? I wish I could hear, but I am too far away..

But then, you see aggression rise as Sienna looks in disbelief; soon, Adman jumps forward and stabs Sienna, surprising you; you see her gasp for air before he pulls out his blade from her gut, and she falls and rolls down the stairs. You shake your head in horror.

You: That bastard..! Of course, he would take the throne for himself with violence.. Wait.. What's this..?

As they carry away Sienna, you notice a tiny spark of life twitch in her hand; you watch as you follow where they take her. Soon enough, you see them move her to the dump, the white fang who betrayed her.

You jump down, slashing them; they don't even realize before they fall apart as they are cut in half. You catch Sienna before she falls to the ground. This makes her cough up blood, letting some life come back into her eyes.

Sienna: A..aughh... I.. I feel.. So cold..

You: You are near death, Sienna.. I have come to make sure you don't die..

Sienna: W..Who are you..? I.. I can't see right now.. my vision... blood loss.. It's making me lose myself.. 

You: Shush now.. It would be best if you didn't speak; you will only use up your strength.. I would happily say you are pretty and cute, but now's not the time.

Sienna: *Coughs* A..ah.. are hilarious.. B..but thank you..

You get her into your lap; you check the stab wound as it hasn't pierced any vital organs; just a massive amount of her blood is lost. You quickly place a few bandages on the damage, slowing the bleeding a lot.

You: This will help,  but you might not make it.. you lost too much blood already..

Sienna: J..just leave me to die.. I had already lost everything.. my own people turned their backs on me.. I should die like they want me to..

You: That's no way a strong woman like yourself to be saying.. Just know that there are still many who love you.. and would have you live.

Sienna: I.. I want to see that you are right.. Y..young man..

You: I know how to save you; forgive me..

Sienna: For what..? Saving my life..?

You: No.. This..

You lean down, pressing your lips on hers. Her eyes widen from the kiss, but slowly, she blushes and eases into it, like she really wanted it. But slowly, the pain inside her starts to kindle, and lighten. Gradually, you pour some of your magic and power into healing her, causing her wound to close and stabilize her. She slowly passes out a bit as you break the kiss.

Sienna: I.. I should slap you.. for stealing my.. first kiss.. B..But.. I won't.. j..just cause it felt good.. and it made me feel better..

You: H..Hehe Y..Yeah.. I.. I healed you.. Umm.. Sorry for stealing your first kiss..

Sienna: I..It's fine.. I.. I it...

Sienna passes out in your arms; you quickly take her and find a place to hide her from the White Fang...

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