Deathless Pt.1 (Ch.15)

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Blake- Your POV- 3:35 Pm

You, Blake, and Sun have been tasked to go around the town to ask for partition to help Haven in the incoming attack. You left first, leaving Sun and Blake behind to catch up. But on your search, you feel a slight disturbance; something inside you starts to flame and causes you to think about what it means.

You feel like you are being called to something, like something that could give you answers, but it is far, very far. You decide to wait as you need to stay for Blake. You continue to walk around to get signatures, but it turns out to be useless as people seem too scared and a little confused about helping against the White Fang.

A few hours press on, you regroup with the others, and they say the same result as yours. You all take the time to rest and get a few drinks. Blake seems to be very agitated and depressed. You three sit at a table and think about what to do next.

Sun: I don't get it! How can they sit around and do nothing with the White Fang getting ready to attack?!

You: Because they are not like us, people who have the courage and sight to come together and fight the greater evil of this fight. Most of them have families in the White Fang or friends; this is very hard for most, if not all, Faunus here. The best thing we can do is try; we can't force people to fight what some think is right or how things are. Fear, Distrust, Anger, the past, and much more create walls to the Faunus. Faunus in Menagerie don't want their peace to be disrupted and messed with because they know if we do something like this, it will only cause this peace to begone, and they would take action. They need to learn doing nothing is worse for them than taking action and saving Haven; we must unite and foil Adam's plans.

Sun: I guess I never really thought about it like that.

Blake: Just like -Y/N Said, doing nothing will affect them whether they like it or not; it's just a matter of time if the people will let a school and people be killed or stand up and help us. Just.. Adam and his damn plans. Why..

Sun: Adam... He's the guy who you both used to... Work with?

You and Blake: *Sigh* Yes.

Sun: Sorry, forget I brought it up.

You: It's okay, Sun; he fooled and tricked us both. 

Blake: Yeah, have you ever met someone and thought to yourself, "They are the personification of this word."

Sun: Uhhhh...

Blake: Okay, well, I remember getting to know Ruby and thinking, "This girl is the embodiment of 'purity.'" After a while, I saw Weiss was "defiance." Yang was "strength." -Y/N was a mixture as he seems to be these most of the time, "Protective, Romantic, Caring, Powerful, Mysterious, Brave, Charming" and much more.

Sun: What am I?

Blake: Jury's still out on that one, but I'm leaning towards "earnest."

You: There are too many words to describe me; list too long it could destroy reality *winks at the camera".

Blake: At first, I thought Adam was "Justice," then I thought he was "passion." But over time, I realized I was wrong. He wasn't any of those things. He was "Spite." Not "hatred," not "rage," "spite." He won't accept equality, only suffering for what he feels the world did to him, and his way of thinking is dangerously contagious. That's what worries me about Ilia. She's not like Adam, not yet, at least, but I don't know how long that will last.

Sun: She was your friend, huh?

Blake: She was. Her chameleon traits meant she could pass as a human. She could've lived a normal life if she wanted, but she didn't. I always admired that. She lost her family in a mining accident when she was young and joined the White Fang. Like me, she was more or less trained on the road alongside other Faunus. She learned to survive, to defend herself, but as people like Sienna and Adam started to gain a following, she became more dangerous. I guess I did, too. My parents tried to get me to leave with them, but I refused. I had Adam and Ilia, after all.

Sun: You know we're going to have to face her eventually.

Blake: I know.

Sun: So, what are you going to do?

Blake: I'm going to try and help her the way you both of you helped me.

Sun and You: Hm?

Blake: You showed me that sometimes you need to be there for a friend, or lover, even when they don't want you to be. I was drowning in guilt and fear. I tried to push you two away, but you didn't give up on me. And I can't give up on Ilia. It's about time I saved my friends for once.

You: Well said, Blake, but you still have us to be there for you the entire way. Even for Ilia, I will be there to help you with her. No one is alone in this world as long as I am here. I am the guardian, I am the light, I am the sword, I am the shield, I am Me.....

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