Tainted Path Pt.3 (Ch.3)

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Ruby- Your POV

You and Qrow catch up to the group when you hear Ruby start shouting Hello to anyone who would hear her. But still coming short you all did as you regrouped. Qrow gave you a nod to confirm that this seems a little off from the setting naturally.

Nora: Maybe try....louder?

Ren: There doesn't seem to be anyone here.

Jaune: Well, I guess school isn't really in session right now. Maybe that's it?

You look at Jaune and think for a quick second.

You: Not.. really.. even with school being out, there should still be teachers here at least preparing for school to start or even to be around to protect the relic.

Qrow: -Y/N is right, Something is wrong here, this isn't right... C'mon.

Qrow then proceeds to step forward and all of you follow after him in a long hallway filled with normal school awards and trophies in cases and cabinets. You run alongside Qrow as you see the main door to the headmaster's office. You and Qrow pull your weapons out and so does everyone else.

Qrow: Get ready. It could be trouble.

Qrow steps up and prepares to kick down the door, so do you as you do a turning roundhouse kick along with him knocking on the door and letting it fly open. But as they are opened, you see Professor Lionheart standing there and he jumps in shock and lets out a scream. Then team RNJR screams out loud. Both you and Qrow lose each other's balance and fall onto each other being tangled together. Then Lionheart looks like he had a heart attack and feints. The Team lowers their weapons, and their faces look on with confusion and questions.

Ruby: Uh... Professor... Lionheart?

You and Qrow start to get on your feet and so does Lionheart coughing violently from being short of breath.

Lionheart: QROW! -Y/N! For crying out loud, You both nearly scared me half to death.

Qrow grunts as he stands up and looks at Lionheart and gets upset, you get to your feet as well looking down at Lionheart.

Qrow: Me? Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance?

You: I was there for a while; I was hoping you could have seen me before everyone else showed up, but You never did so now, we are here.

Lionheart: Huh?

Lionheart looks at his watch as if he thought nothing was wrong.

Lionheart: OH, right. Apologies. I guess time slipped away from me.

Qrow: You're joking.

Nora: Where is everybody?

Lionheart: Ah, You must be the students Qrow mentioned.

Ruby: Yes, sir! Heh. Ruby Rose.

Jaune: Jaune Arc.

Nora: Nora Valkyrie

Ren: Lie Ren.

Lionheart: *Chuckles* A pleasure to meet you all. Leonardo Lionheart is at your service. I'm afraid most of my staff is currently away until classes resume, but--

Qrow: What?! Leo, you can't be serious. Who's guarding the relic!?

Lionheart: Qrow! The children--

Qrow: Already know. I filled them in. What do you mean your staff is away?

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