Rising Storm (Ch.20)

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Blake POV-11:32 Pm

I told Sun and -Y/N to split away from me so we could reach my parents more easily and protect them. Plus. I must face Ilia on my own. I fear I might be unable to make her see the light.. I might have to.. Kill my best friend..

I need to focus right now; protecting Mom and Dad is my goal; Ilia is also on that list. I pray that Sun and -Y/N can deal with most of the White Fang. For me, it would be great.

Blake- Your POV

After splitting up with Blake, You and Sun go to the grand hall, where you hear Ghira is in a battle.

You: Sun! You take the other side and defeat the gunman; I will deal with Corsac and Fennec.

Sun: Got it! I'm counting on you!

You spread your Grimm wings, fly up into the air, and see Sun crash into the window and take out a gunman aiming for Ghira. He defends against Corsac and Fennec's attacks.

Sun: Now! Hurry!

You see as Blake slides into the house, making you react and bust into the room. Your wings protect you from their attacks, and then you slash at them with Grimm Slayer. They back away into the wall, and Blake jumps down and places an Ice clone that freezes their hand in the clone. You all regroup together.

Blake: Dad, where's Mom?

Ghira: I'm not sure; I got ambushed right away.

Blake: Once we take down Corsac and Fennec--

Ghira: No, go now.

Blake: But--

Ghira: You keep assuring me your boyfriend, as much as I don't like him being that, and your friend isn't a complete waste of space. Let's see them prove it!

Sun: We got this, Blake. I've wanted to sock these creeps since the day we met.

You: I will join you shortly after with this; go, Blake.

Ghira: You two would have to get in line first. Blake, go!

Blake responds by running through the door and getting out of there. Corsac and Fennec get their hands free and ready in their battle stance.

Sun: I won't let you down, sir!

Ghira: Shut up.

Sun: You got it!

Then all 3 of you charge at them. Ghira slashes with his claws, Sun swings his staff, and you bring down Grimm Slayer. Corsac deflects your blade, and Fennec dodges Ghira and Sun. You back away and defend with Sun. Ghira tries to attack, but he gets knocked down by Corsac. You stand up, jump high into the air, and protect against Fennec; Sun helps by knocking him to the ground.

Sun: Let's do it!

You and Sun use your weapons to knock Corsac to the side; you switch to Nora's hammer and smash Fennec into Corsac and fire electricity into them. They scream in pain before blasting you with fire. You hit the wall hard, creating a creator in the wall.

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