Shattered Gods (Ch.23)

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Ruby- Your POV

You stand still with your sword in your hand; you feel your Godly power run through your body. Your wings spread across with its sharp edges, your sword glows brightly, and you slowly walk towards Naito. Both of you raise your sword, and both of your energy starts to clash with one another.

Naito: Ready to end this, Brother??

You: Yes, I am ready to put an end to our destiny.

You both fly at each other with great speed, swing your swords, and clash into a power struggle, blinding lights and streams of light and dark cross and battle. You grit your teeth and try to push Naito back, but it gives you excellent resistance, and you struggle back and forth.

A huge shock wave causes you to back off and flip over his blade; you land, twirl your blade, and stab him in his arm. Naito fazes through the edge, grabs your face, lifts you into the air, and pushes you through a portal that takes you into space.

You use your wings and push through space. You move with great force and clash with Naito, and then you both swing your swords at blinding speeds and deflect each other (Dante vs. Virgil in DMC, basically), causing massive waves of energy to be shot from your blades.

Naito: This is only the beginning!!

Naito unleashes a deadly wave of darkness that engulfs you, but your armor opens up and shoots beams of light that shred away the darkness and hit Naito in his chest, launching him back. He throws a dark spear at you, which you twirl around, catch with your bare hand, and shatter. Upon doing so, you use the shards and shoot them back at him. he defends them, but you put pressure on him and kick him in the chest, which he takes with defense.

You: Get ready for it, Naito!! Stardust Fracture!!

You unleash a massive wave of light energy from your sword as you swing it down at Naito. It rushes towards him with incredible velocity and sheer force. Naito counters the blast with his own, which negates them both. You fly forward with your wings, and with one hand, your swords clash, and you fly past and pick up in speed.

You each fly past, swinging and clashing each other's swords with blinding speed. You twirl and fire razor-sharp feathers at Naito, and he summons a giant field of darkness that blocks the attack.

Channeling in your hand, you create a ball of white gold lighting that you charge at Naito. He grabs his wrist, and it gets swarmed in darkness; he puts it behind him and then shoots a sword beam from his hand.

You: Chaos Breaker!!

You place your Chaos Breaker before you, tear away the dark beam, and race towards Naito. You hit him straight into his chest, which causes him to grunt in pain. He grabs your arm, but your Chaos Breaker shatters and explodes, damaging your hand a little but leaving a significant mark on his chest, which he covers in darkness.

You pull your sword and swing at Naito; he ducks under your blade and then summons a dark spear that he nicks your chest as you push back. You fly above him, crash onto him in a grip, and struggle as you pass through space. You take a punch to your face and deal a kick to his gut. You both trade blows with each other and summon a powerful punch to his face, knocking him back far.

Naito: Go! Sharima!!

Naito clouds himself in shadows and creates a giant shadow in space, then fully reveals himself as a 100-meter dragon with Dark Purple scales and red eyes. You channel your inner self.

You: Rise! Dracul!!

Dracul: YESSSS!!!!!!!!

Then, with a flash of blinding light, you are surrounded by light that grows into the physical form of a dragon clad in Platinum armor and evolves Dracul into a Godlier being.

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