Last Memories (Ch.19)

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Ruby- Your POV- 5:52 Am

You watch and see Ruby lying on the ground, looking at birds and the sky. You are still tired from having the fun time and break you all had. You take a long yawn as you rub your eyes. Since most of your soul is complete, you feel more alive than ever, including being tired. Yang walks over and looks at Ruby.

Yang: You're up early.

Ruby: Hey, sis.

Yang: Boop!

Yang boops Ruby with her hair, causing Ruby to giggle and laugh. You crack a small smile and chuckle before slowly walking towards them, scratching the back of your head, adjusting your cloak in the process, and sitting between them.

Ruby: What are you guys doing up?

Yang: I can't fall back asleep.

You: I noticed you awake and decided to wake up. Also, it is a lovely morning we are having.

Ruby: Hehe, I can't sleep either.

Weiss: Well, fortunately... Coffee exists.

You look back to see Weiss has 4 cups of coffee, You are not much of a coffee guy, more of a Cinnamon tea guy, but coffee isn't bad. Weiss walks in front of you, and each of you grabs a cup and walks to Ruby.

Ruby: No, Please!

Weiss: Don't worry. I put in blasphemous amounts of cream and sugar just for you.

Ruby: Aww, yeah! Nice, Weiss strikes again.

Weiss: I will pour this on you, and it will burn.

Ruby takes the mug and lets out a nervous chuckle. You snicker, and Yang softly punches your arm, and all of you have a good laugh. A giant smile appears across your face. You were taking a sip of your coffee, which tasted pretty decent. Weiss sits close to you, and all of you form a small line together, you being in the middle.

Yang: Can't believe we're actually in Mistral.

Ruby: That's what you can't believe?

Yang: Well, yeah! And all the other magic and stuff, and -Y/N's souls, but... Okay, you know what I mean!

Weiss: I honestly wasn't sure if I'd ever see you two again. I thought that it was me and -Y/N, but I guess a fourth of him that is *Chuckles* But he made sure I reunited with you guys again.

You, Weiss, and Yang clang each other's cups.

Yang: Well. Here's to defying expectations.

Ruby: I wish Blake could be here with us.

Yang: Yeah, well, she made her choice.

You all look at each other and then back at Yang.

Weiss: What's that supposed to mean?

You: Yeah! Blake loved us.

Yang: I mean, she could have been here if she just stuck around. It's no big deal, though. We'll be fine.

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