Lasting Effects Pt.4 (Ch.8)

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Weiss POV- 7:32 Pm

My body felt cold and sore, my head splitting in pain and my hands burning with sensation. I slowly tried to look around, but only pain covered my sight. After a second passed, I found myself on the ground covered in dirt. I had survived the crash with -Y/N's help. But.. I am still unable to continue like this. I try to look for him.. But I can not see him close to me..

Weiss: -Y/N..! W..Where are you.. Please say something, anything..!

You: A..aough.. O..Over here, Princess..

Weiss: Y..You goof.. Where exactly are you..?

You: O..Oh, you know.. Hanging around..

Weiss: W..What..? Why do I feel like that is what Jaune would say...

I see Y/N strung up on a tree branch; he seems to look okay, just bruised up and weak. He took most of the impact and must have flown out of the ship and landed in that tree.

He slumps down and hits the ground with a loud thud, and a grunt comes from his lips; I see this and quickly crawl to him, place his head in my lap, and cradle him.

Weiss: Y..You okay?!

You: I.. I am good, Princess. Just a bit tired out, is all..

Weiss: You did take most of the damage, you goof, but thank you for protecting me.. My knight.

I lean down and kiss his lips, and I find it romantic that he still had the strength to kiss me back before he passed out in my lap. I look at his sleeping gaze before laying him down on the ground. Footsteps approach us, I turn to see a few bandits, and they look ready for a fight.

Bandit 1: What do you think?

I look at them, worried, as I clutch -Y/N's head in my arms and protect him as best as I can with what little strength I have left.

Raven: I think... We just hit the jackpot.

You: R..Raven..?

I see Y/N breathing heavily with his eyes closed still; he has trouble speaking and slowly tries to get up. I try to stop him, but he can push past my attempt.

You: I knew you.. You would be in this area.. It's just our luck to run into you after having this crash.

Raven: Oh, how I know a thing or two about luck. If you are a good boy and stay quiet, you and your girlfriend won't be harmed, and if you show that you can listen well.. Maybe we could have a little fun, just the two of us.

Weiss- Your POV

You: A..Ahh..?

Raven walks up to you, quickly wraps her arm around you, and pulls you close to her face; quickly, you start to blush a little; Weiss stares in wonder and is a little scared. You show her it will be okay, and she agrees to stay quiet.

Raven: That is one thing I like a lot about you. You can be so sexy and attractive when you act cool under pressure, but I find it cute when I can make you flustered.

Raven then winks and licks your cheek, causing you to jump and blush. Raven giggles and teases you more, touching your chest and playing with your hair.

Raven: God, I want to keep you so bad; you seem like a lost child, but also such a hunk.

You: A..Ah.. D..Don't say such things about me.. 

Raven: I know you can fluster easily; Just like how you met my daughter, you had a similar reaction. I find it very cute and lovable.

Your legs slowly give out, and Raven catches you and giggles; slowly, she supports you and looks at her men to help Weiss. Weiss shows no aggression and lets herself be taken away, and Raven happily walks with you.

Raven: Finally, some new pray to play with, especially one that got away from me before, makes me want you more and more now.

You: R..Raven.. Please, such things said are enough to drive me crazy..

Raven: That's what I want, hehe.

You slowly start to fade out, and Raven gives you a peck on the cheek before one of her men carries you as you fade to darkness. You feel your numbed body moving and hear Weiss trying to talk to you, but slowly, you dim down your senses, and sleep takes over you....

Due to some issues and problems, I am facing in life, I am now promoting my Patreon to anyone who wants to support me financially; this will not only provide me with some sort of income, however small or large it is, that will allow me to focus even more effort into writing for you guys. It is entirely your decision to check it out and provide me with any money you want; the lowest starting is 5 minimum. Entirely up to you again, is my Pateron for you to visit! Well, I will See you all in the Next one! Thanks again!

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