Unsolved Conflict Pt.5 (Ch.13)

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Weiss- Your POV

As you ready your stance, Raven adjusts her mask and steps forward. You twist your blade and slash the ground, causing a circle to wrap around all three of you, and then you appear in the middle of the woods, not far from the camp.

You: I didn't think you would want your camp to be destroyed.

Raven: Smart, I like it, and thank you for considering.

Raven slashes across your torso, but you do a back flip that knocks her blade up; she tries to bring it down on you, but you dodge to the side and kick her side. She is pushed back into a tree, and you slice just above her. As she ducked, the tree was split in half and fell. Raven kicks you, and you are sent into the air.

You deflected a strike from her blade and countered her punch with a strike to her stomach. You both land and clash blades; you grit your teeth, and red lightning sparks from your sword; then, with a quick motion, you twist your blade, which knocks hers to the ground, allowing you a free strike on her torso. She takes it and proceeds to do a twirl and kick you in the chest; you cough and stagger before Raven grabs your arm and twists it to your back.

You jump in pain as she starts to pull your arm up; you bend over and wrestle away, flipping her over your shoulder onto the ground. You roll over her and grab her by the legs, and as you get to your feet, you slam Raven onto the ground with her torso. She grunts as she hits the ground from your brute strength.

Vernal: You are right; he can put up an impressive feat of fighting.

Raven: Oh, quiet, you are not the one fighting him.

Vernal: You want me to step in?

Raven: No, I will handle this.

Raven gets to her feet and grabs her sword. She quickly attacks you, you block her strike, but she punches you in the face, cracking your mask surprisingly, and her sword slashes across your leg; you take another blow on your left shoulder. You make a sound of pain, and then you are launched into the air. And Raven does a four-hit combo that slashes your torso, and then she kicks your head into the ground. You make a loud splash in the ground, and the impact makes you fly into a tree.

You: T..That was good, but I am only going easy on you.

Vernal: Ouuu Seems he is stepping up and saying it.

Raven: Hush Vernal. He knows going any stronger; he could blow most of this area, including his precious little Schnee.

You get to your feet, and your mask starts to crack and fall apart; slight drops of blood run down your lip as you cough a little blood. Your right eye glows red, and a dark spectral of shadows encases your sword. Charging, you place both hands on Grimm Slayer and stance it to your side, capturing the dark energy into the blade. Raven looks in concern and charges you.

You: Death Wave!!

Unleashing your blade's power, you summon a wave as your blade strikes the air, causing a giant wide black slash that starts to cut through rocks and trees, growing closer to Raven. She jumps over it, and you grab her head and slam her to the ground in speed and power, causing the ground to shake you jump in front of the Death Wave and suck it into Grimm Slayer, causing the sword to shake and rumble in your hands, dark energy starts to leak, and then you channel it into a blast directed to Raven, like a spear it flies right at Raven.

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