Raven's Tail (Character Short 4)

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Your POV 4:45 Pm

Riding with Yang, you have your arms crossed around her waist as she drives Bumblebee. She drives across the dirt road quickly, the wind blowing your hair and hers in your face. You let the sweet scent of her golden locks fill your senses and you can't help but smile.

You: So, you are going to your mother, Raven, to see if she can tell us where to find Ruby and them?

Yang: That's the plan, I know I want to go towards the school, but it could take too long, even with my Bike, but those mountains are going to make it 3 times worse to drag a bumblebee across it. So... Based on what my dad told me... We can rely on her to get us to Uncle Qrow and Ruby.

You: And how exactly did your father tell you that she would help us?

Yang: Hehe That's a secret for you to find out till then, for now you can sit back and enjoy the ride. I know your hands are. *Winks at you*

You: Y..Yeah..?! Well, that's because this is the first time, we are like this. But still, I don't think going to Raven is the best Idea. You know she is the bandit leader of her tribe.

Yang: Yeah, I know, still she is my mother, I can think she can help us. And despite all of that, you don't know my mother and what she has done.

You: Yes, I do...

Yang: How...? You never met her.

You: I have... And fought her before.

Yang: Wait... You are serious about this..?!

You: Yep.

Yang: How did you fight her? And when? How did you even find her...?

You: Remember when we took out the underground train and Mountain Glenn?

Yang: Yeah, I will always remember that adventure, why do you ask?

You: Well after that night, I saw you with your mother...

Yang: You did...?

You: Yeah, I listen to you two, I hid myself well from you, but Raven knew that I was around. So, when you both departed, she didn't exactly leave immediately. I followed her until she called me out. She and a group of her bandits surrounded me, and I had to fight them off...

Yang: What happened...?

You: I will tell you the details...

Flashback- Right after Vol.2 ended, just outside Beacon and in an abandoned Factory.

You stop in your tracks as Raven calls you out in the middle, quickly her men come from the shadows, and you equip Grimm Slayer and ready yourself.

Raven: Why are you following me you fool... You just signed your death by doing that. My men will take care of you.

Raven turns her back and signals her men to attack you, a dozen of them jump after you. You dodged and did a backflip away. You stopped two swords from reaching your chest and you slammed them into the ground. Then flipped them into the air. You charge Grimm Slayer with your strength focused on the small group behind you.

You: Reapers Fury!!

You Slash the air, and then out comes a black void of destruction covered in shadows. Slowly it reaches and the group is pushed back and defeated in their screams of pain. They fall over and you jump into the air to slash at 3 when you land.

They deflect your blade, only to have you kick them in the head, knocking them out with brute force. You turn your attention towards Raven as she is the last one standing.

Raven: You were able to take out my men that fast, Well shows you have some skill, child. But fairing against me might end in your death, so prepare yourself!

You: I know you are Yang's mother, so I won't kill you for her sake.

Raven: Talking about my daughter? No need, this is a fight!

You deflect your blade into the sky to cut down her Katana, then you flip your blade and hit her in the front of her mask with your hilt, stunning her.

You close the distance with your blade reaching her arm, which you graze her Aura and she lands a forward thrust in your leg, slashing on your Aura. You grunt in pain and spin and kick her into the ground. She launches into the air, recovering and landing a blow with her fist to your head.

You stagger backward and block her next strike. In the power struggle, your eyes glow red, and then your Grimm mask shadow forms on your face. Pushing her back, you complete the transformation and slide your hand down making the mask whole to your appearance. Then end the set with a slide to her chest with your leg.

Raven catches your arm and flips you to the ground, but you recover and catch her black in between your legs, causing her to be taken down with your Jujitsu and strength. She kicks you off her, then you circle back with a block from both of you and then you make it with a headbutt.

She backs off and twists her blade around and does a spiral slash that cuts your legs and arm, your aura able to withstand most of it. You kickflip, hitting her jaw with your flip, launching her into a container which makes most of the rubble start to fall, you see she is slightly stunned and is about to get crushed.

You jump and race forward towards her, making your way you slash the rubble that was about to crush her. You wrap your arms around her and jump backward, sliding on the ground before doing a flip before the rubble can crush you both. But a giant piece hits you in the head, breaking your mask and causing a slight cut to form on your cheek.

You see that the rest of her Men have left and outside, Raven recovers to see you holding her in your arms. She looks at you as her savior and her enemy.

Raven: You have to save me like that?

You: Told you I wouldn't kill you and it was the only option.

Raven: W..Well.. It's... Stupid of you to do that to a girl like me..

You: What...? Huh..?!

Raven: SHUT UP!

Before you knew it, Raven socked you in the face and knocked you to the ground, you were dazed and stunned. You watch hazily see Raven give you one last look before a red portal thing opens and she and her men go inside it. Then as it closes, they are gone. You get to your feet and have a quick chuckle before you head back to your dorm....

You: Heh... Women...

Present Time

Yang: So that's that story...?

You: Yeah.

Yang: So, you did fight my mother and had a... "Moment" with her.

You: Wait... No.

Yang: It's okay, just makes me want to have a good... Talk with her anyways...

You: Ah Jeez... Here we go again....

Yang revs her Bike and goes faster into the distance, and you hold onto her and watch as the distance of your objective is coming closer... and you are about to face it....

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