Tainted Path Pt.1 (Ch.1)

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Ruby- 12:32 Pm

You walk alongside your team, RNJR. Following close behind Master Qrow ahead of you leading the way with a slight grumpiness like usual. You hold Ruby's hand in Yours as you walk and have a quick smile and laugh as you do.

Qrow: The city of Mistral.

Nora: Ugh It's about time!

You: Hehe, yeah, I guess so it is. It's been a long Journey guys.

Nora: Whose idea was to walk again?

As you talk, you are walking in a long tunnel with Bricks covering the walls and take a small gander looking around and inspecting each Item You see. You have only been to Mistral a few times from Missions from Ozpin and from hanging with Qrow, you have met Professor Lionheart in the past with Qrow, He should remember you.

Ren: Well, we did face many obstacles. Broken Airships, destroyed settlements...

Jaune: Oh, and, you know, all those people and monsters that tried to MURDER US?

Ruby: Pfft We were fine; only 2 of us almost died.

You and Qrow look at Ruby with a slight smirk on your faces knowing she is pointing at you guys for being close to Death's Door in the first place with poison and fighting Giant Grimm that nearly killed you.

You and Qrow: Hey

You see in the corner of your eye Nora Pouts and stares at Ren knowing he tried to get himself killed during the fight with the Grimm that attacked you guys.

Ren: Hey!

Nora: Hehe *Giggles*

Jaune: So how much farther to Haven Academy?

Qrow: Almost there. Kind of figured I'd take you kids on the scenic route, -Y/N Has already seen it but a fresh reminder isn't bad to have.

You: Yeah, it has been a while since I have been here. Like almost a year since I have come to Haven.

You reach the end of the corridor as Qrow slowly opens it to have blinding light to hit your eyes. But as you shake off the light from your eyes, you see Ruby run ahead to the railing to look at the view.

Ruby: Wow!

You stand and chuckle as you hear her. Looking past her, you see the beautiful land of Mistral as you remember it. Take in the view as well with your team.

Ruby: This. Is. Awesome!

You watch as they all go to the railing and start to see the view. You chuckle stand beside them and speak out.

You: I am gonna go on ahead and wait for you guys at the school. I need to have a quick thought to myself for a minute.

Qrow: Sure Kid, just wait at the entrance for us.

You: Got it Master Qrow.

Then you take the elevator up the path to Haven Academy walk out and look around, noting the area for further measure, and sit on the steps waiting for your team.

Weiss- 6:12 Pm

You have been riding with Weiss for a bit of time on this transport ship. You stood by her and wrapped your arm around her and made her comfortable and smile with you. You watch from the pilot deck as you are somewhat still far from Mistral.

Weiss: So, How much farther?

Pilot: We're in the home stretch now. No more stops from here to Mistral. Sorry for the long trip. Keeping us off the radar has been harder than I thought. Lots of air Traffic around Northern Anima.

Weiss: It's fine. I... Just hope we haven't been a burden.

Pilot: Hehe, You and your money are more than welcome on this ship, Kids.

Suddenly Radio static starts to flare up and grab all of your attention as you try to listen in.

Pilot: What the...?

The Pilot tries to adjust the pitch fix the radio and turn back to flying. You and Weiss look at each other and look at the Pilot.

You: Is... everything okay

Pilot: I don't know. We're still over Lake Matsu. Shouldn't be picking up broadcasts this far from Mistral. Someone must be close.

You: Mind if I ask, but what is your name..? I don't want to keep calling you Pilot if I have to address you.

Chris: You can call me Chris. I am not prone to telling people my name much since I do some of this work but Knowing you guys, I can trust your kind of people with it. So, there you go.

You: Nice to meet you, Chris.

Chris: Likewise.

Female Pilot over the radio: Mayday, mayday! We are a small passenger flight, and our huntress is down! We aren't equipped to deal with this!

Chris: Oh, man.

Radio: The Grimm hit us 400 klicks north of the southern shoreline! *Explosion over radio* AHH! Get them off us! If anyone can hear this---- *Another Explosion* AH! *Transmission cuts off*.

You and Weiss look in terror at what you have heard over the radio. Then Chris turns the ship to the left a little bit and takes a different route in a way.

Weiss: We're going to help them, right?

Chris: What? NO! I'm trying to avoid them.

Weiss: But... They'll die...?

Chris: Look, if we picked up their transmission, I'm sure someone else did, too. Besides, this is a cargo ship. She's not much good in a fight. I just wanna finish this job and get home. Sorry, kids. My ship, my rules.

Then in turn he takes off and turns into a different area trying to avoid that transmission and leaving you two to look in dismay at those people. Then you two embrace in a hug and sit down to calm yourselves down from this.....

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