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Requested by GazingGrethan I'm really sorry if U don't like it. There's more of an explanation down in the authors note as to why it's not really good. 💜

Pairing(s): Jonah and Zach (zonah)

Prompt: Zach is coming down with a fever. And his big brother, Justin Bieber, sadly can not attend him due to him having to go to the studio. So Zach called his best friend and secretly boyfriend over, to take care of him. Zach is feminine!! (In this one shot)

Famous or nah: only Justin and Jonah are famous

-Zach's POV-

I laid in bed with my thigh high shorts on along with a tank top cause I was burning up but also shivering at the same time.

"Zach," I heard my big brother knock on my door.

"Come in Justin." I answered, my voice sounding weird a little.

Justin walked in and frowned at the sight in front of him.

"You look terrible bud." He frowned at me.

"Gee thanks." I said sarcastically causing him to chuckle.

"I have to leave bud. I can't stay with you. I have to go to the studio." Said Justin causing me to frown.

"But I don't wanna stay home alone." I pouted.

"Why don't you call Jonah over?" Asked Justin.

"Great plan." I said but then started to cough horribly.

Justin patted my back as a way to help me. Once I calmed down, I sat up and removed my pink fluffy cover from me and stood up. I headed to my dresser and picked up my phone. I grabbed it and called Jonah as Justin headed out of my room to due whatever.

"Hello princess." Answered Jonah causing me to blush.

"Hi," I answered back shyly.

"What's up?" He asked after I heard him close a door then what I'm guessing is sitting down on his bed.

"I was wondering if you could come over. I'm coming down with something and JuJu has to go to the studio. And you know I hate being alone once I'm sick." I explained and started coughing horribly.

"I'm on my way." He said worriedly and hung up on me causing me to glare at my phone as if I was glaring at him. How dare he hang up on me?!

"Here you go bud." Said JuJu, coming back into my room and handing me a couple of pills along with a water bottle. I quickly popped the pills in my mouth and took a few sips of water until i swallowed the pills.

"Is Jonah coming?" Asked Justin.

"Yea, he's on his way." I croaked out.

"Alright well lay down." He told me while pointing sternly towards my bed.

I sighed but nodded. I headed towards my bed and climbed on it. I laid down and pulled the pink fluffy blanket up to my neck.

Once I got comfy, the doorbell rang causing butterflies to go off in my tummy cause I knew exactly who it was.

"I'll get that." Said justin causing me to nod at him.

Justin left my room and went to answer the door. Soon enough, I head the door open and Justin greet Jonah. Once they talked, I heard their footsteps come to my room.

Finally after what felt forever, my brother and secretly my boyfriend Jonah walked in. Jonah and I only date in secret because we both know how Justin would get if he found out that we are dating. He's so over protective. Like he probably wouldn't even leave us alone like this if he knew we were dating. As if we were gonna do it. Which we haven't by the way.

"Alright since Jonah is here. Imma head out. I bet you Scooter is gonna scold me." Said justin and rolled his eyes causing me and Jonah to laugh.

"Thanks for staying with him Jonah." Justin said then gave Jonah a bro hug and left.

"Well princess, Justin told me he already gave you medicine. So how we just cuddle and watch a movie." Jonah explained causing me to immediately nod at the idea.

"Wanna watch High School Musical?" Asked Jonah which I just nodded to.

Jonah put the movie on the tv and then climbed into bed with me after taking off his shoes. He wrapped his arms around my small waist while I wrapped mine around his waist and laid my head on his shoulders. Jonah then started to rub smooth patters on the end of my back causing my eyes to get tired. I slowly started to close my eyes while High School Musical played in the back ground.

"Goodnight princess." I heard Jonah say and my eyes fully closed causing darkness to surround me as I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


Imma be honest. I'm disappointed in myself for this one shot. Feminine Zach didn't seem so feminine. But I've never written a one shot like that. I'm not exactly sure I want to write more that include feminine someone due to me having mixed emotions as I wrote this one shot.



And follow me

-Mariana 💜✨

I'm sorry if you don't like this GazingGrethan

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