✨Get Your Act Together~Jachary✨

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*CAN SOMEONE LOOK AT THE VIDEO IN THE MEDIA AND SEND ME A PIC OF CORBYNS HAIR LIKE THAT?! PLZ! It's styled upwards but I can't find any recent pics or like pics during that time. There's only one on his insta but he's not even looked at the camera 😭 I want him looking at the camera plz!

 There's only one on his insta but he's not even looked at the camera 😭 I want him looking at the camera plz!

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Took a screenshot of it earlier, it's not 8 pm when I'm publishing this 😂😂 it's 10ish. So if u could plz get me a pic, I'll be forever grateful! Just send it to me through insta (corbynbesson_fp) or send me a message privately and we'll talk!)

Ship(s): Jarchary (Zach and jack)

Prompt: Zach has given up everything for jack but now he realizes that he gave up everything for nothing

Famous or nah: famous

-Zach's POV-

"He fucking did it again," I cried to Corbyn as he held me to his chest. Rubbing circles on the lower of my back, trying to calm me down.

"I'm so sorry Zach," said Corbyn.

"Why does he keep doing it? Am I not good enough? Am I to fat? To ugly?" I asked him, tears running down my red cheeks.

"Zachary Dean Herron, I don't want those words to ever come out of your mouth again. You are so fucking amazing. Any guy would be lucky to have you even look at them." Corbyn said firmly.

"So why does he keep cheating on me?! I'm seen as the dumbass who always takes him back," I told Corbyn, talking about Jack who always seems to be cheating on me. And our fans always calling me an idiot for taking him back. And I agree. But at the same time, I can't just let him go. I love the man. But I think it's time I do. Time to let him go.

"Imma be honest with you right now Zach," said Corbyn, taping my back, signaling for me to sit up.

"You forgive him to easily. He just has to say sorry and you're back with him! He doesn't have to work for your forgiveness so he takes advantage of it. Make him work for it." Corbyn told me.

"You really think so?" I questioned him, wiping my tears from my cheeks with the sleeve of my hoodie.

"I know so Zach. You are an amazing person, you know your worth. Now make him see it." He said as he gave me a small smile.

"Thank you bean. I will," I told him as I also gave him a smile.

"Now come here and we can cuddle until he gets here. Because I need a cuddle buddy." Bean pouted at me causing me to giggle but nod and happily cuddle with him.

"And as we cuddle, let's talk about what you are gonna say to that cheating ass motherfucker," said bean as I gasped.

"Corbyn! I still love the guy!" I exclaimed.

"So? He deserves it," he shrugged off causing me to laugh.

"Anyways, I was thinking that at the end, you should walk away like a damn model! Like you strut your little ass, teasing him, make him want that ass," said Corbyn as I immediately burst into laughter, him following soon after me.

And we continued to talk about what I was gonna say to him. And I have never been so grateful for a friend like the bean. He's truly one of a kind.

-an hour later; (Jack gets home)-

"ZACH! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I heard someone scream, causing me to sit up and also the person behind me.

I looked to my side and see Corbyn then at the door to see a furious Jack standing there as he stared at the both of us.

"What?" I responded to him.

"What are you doing?" He basically screamed at me.

"Taking a nap?" I questioned him.

"Don't act stupid now! You were fucking cheating on me with corbyn!" He yelled as my mouth dropped in shock.

Me fucking cheating?!

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?! I hope you fucking are! I was not fucking cheating! I was taking a nap with corbyn as we cuddled. Just like you and Daniel do. Only difference is that you and Daniel actually fucking fuck!" I screamed at him as he stared at me in shock. Corbyn leaving, to give jack and I space. But I knew he was standing outside the door being the nosy bean he is.

"You thought I wouldn't find out right?! But I did! And Corbyn was there to confront me. Something you fail at doing! And it's not even Corbyn's job. But he does it! Wanna know why? Because my whore of boyfriend is out either fucking or getting fucked. So don't you fucking dare accuse me of cheating when your the only whore here!" I yelled at him.

"That's my fucking best friend!" I heard Corbyn yell outside the door causing me to crack a smile.

"Fuck sorry! I'll be leaving now," Corbyn said quickly as cursed himself under his breath but remained outside the door.

"If you want us to be together again, I suggest get your act together. Until then, you are single and can get fucked or you can fuck anyone you like." I told him as I walked out of the door like a fucking model as I strut my little ass just like Corbyn told me, leaving a shocked Jack behind.

"You did so fucking good!" Corbyn coagulated me as I slammed the door behind me.

"Thank you bean. And now we just let faith and time see what Jack decides," I told him as we headed for the ice cream.


Shout out to Llama_Blama for guessing which emoji belongs to who on my last one shot! Thank u so much for commenting and participating when I thought no one would! 😂 ps I fucking love ur books! They are amazing. I have them in my library (so update 😊) and keep it up cause ya girl hooked on them 😂 (cringe sorry)

If u want a chance for a shoutout, the first to guess my height (😂) gets a shoutout! It's in the 5 feet something 😂



And follow me

-Mariana ✨💜

Love you guys so much and don't forget that 💕💜


Let's talk about Zach for a minute can we plz! Ok here is my opinion. If u gonna hate, bye! But if u are gonna read and give ur HONEST opinion, feel free to do so!

Zach made a mistake. Yes it was preventable but he did it. And he can't go back. I bet ur ass he knows he fucked up. And feels extremely bad and horrible about it. But he's a teen growing. And under the spotlight to add to that. You can't expect him to be perfect. No one is. He is gonna learn from his mistakes. But not from "limelights" telling him to go kill himself or to leave the band! Imagine how fucking hurt he felt when those who have said "I'll love u forever and never leave u" turn their backs on him! And there is other people who say the n word on a daily basis and don't get for it. But because Zach is famous, he just has to be perfect 🙄🙄 HES HUMAN! NOT A ROBORT! NOR PERFECT!

U either fucking support them through anything or nothing at all! No in between. U can't come in and just shine in the light and fucking disappear in the dark!

But I'm also not telling u to go deny his mistakes because that's not how it works. Admit he made a mistake but defend him. Just cause u Stan doesn't mean u have to be an ass suck up. Know he made a mistake and tell him in a loving way. He'll learn like that. Not by fans sending him death threats or fans telling him to leave the band.

And if u keep up with statements of him leaving, he or management, or even both, might consider it! And the band will NOT be the same! Keep that in mind! U r a limelight, prove it but admitting he made a mistake but support and defend him through it. Not sending him death threats, telling him to leave the band, or by denying he made a mistake. Cause both are horrible and won't help the limelight fandom/family 💜

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