✨Forever On The Sideline~Jorbyn/Zonah✨

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Ps: if listen to the lyrics and read them, that's how Jonah feels in my book, jorbyn, "hooked" so keep an eye on that! He's scared to open up and Corbyn doesn't want to fall again 👀 I've said to much already 😂

*i thought I published this two days ago but apparently not 😭 sorry u guys*

Ship(s): jorbyn (Jonah and Corbyn) and Zonah (Zach and Jonah)

Prompt: Corbyn sees his best friend get married to the boy he loves. Only the thing is that Corbyn is in love with Jonah but now he's stuck on the sideline forever :(

Famous or nah: famous

-Corbyn's POV-

I fixed my bow tie then walked in to Jonah's room.

"You ready man?" I asked him as he nodded his head and wiped his hands on his pants.

"It's time," I told him as he let out a shakily breath.

"Hey Jonah, take a breath, it's fine. Everything is fine," I put my hand on his shoulder for support.

"What if he leaves? What if he doesn't show up? What if he leaves me at the alter like a dumbass?" He questioned me as he rambled. A habit of his when he's extremely nervous.

"Jonah, I have known you your whole life. We grew up together. Heck, we discovered our sexuality by one another," I let out a chuckle which he did the same. "But I know Jonah. I know Zachary Dean Herron is in love with you. He would not leave you there standing like a dumbass. Besides you don't need help looking like a dumbass. You're a natural at that. But that's beside the point. He loves you Jonah and he isn't leaving you. I know that look, that look when you're in love with someone," I told him sincerely.

"Thank you Corbyn. Means a lot honestly. Thank you for sticking by me all these years. It must have been tough. I love you man," he said while pulling me into a hug and laughing.

"It definitely wasn't easy," I laughed but accepting the hug. "And I love you to Jonah," I told him. "Now let's get you officially off the market!" I cheered as he laughed but nodded.

"But how do you know the look of Zach that tells you he's in love with me?" He asked me.

"I just do," I laughed as he laughed as well and left the room.

"Cause I give you the same look," I whispered to myself once he left the room.

This was definitely gonna be a hard wedding. Seeing the person you love get married to someone else that wasn't you was definitely heartbreaking. But I love Jonah and his happiness is all I want. And if marrying Zach makes him happy, then so be it while I eat ice cream and cry later tonight and possibly for a whole damn month...and for the rest of my life.

I took a deep breath and left the room. I was one of the best men. And I had to take my place before Zach walked down the alter. Sure I would be crying but I can pass it off as tears of happiness while I'm actually dying inside.

"It's time," I whispered to Jonah as I took my place and he nodded. "You got this," I patted his shoulder.

Soon the music was on and Zach was walking down the isle. I took a look at Jonah and noticed that he had tears in his eyes with a big ass smile on his face. He was truly happy and that's all I wanted for him. A few tears escaped my eyes once I realized that this was it. The man I love was officially gonna be tied down. And there was nothing I could do about it cause I would put his happiness over mine.

"We are gathered here today..." the man said before I tuned him out.

"Does anyone disagree with this marriage? Speak up now or forever hold your peace," was the thing I heard next.

And I so fucking badly wanted to scream and confess my love for Jonah as he and Zach looked around the room. Seeing if anyone disapproved. But I bit the fuck out of my tongue to prevent myself from doing so. I didn't want to lose Jonah. And if he being his friend was all I ever got to be to him was fine if it meant that I could still have him in my life.

"We May proceed," the man said again and that was my cue to tune him out once again.

"I know pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Frantzich-Herron," the man said again as everyone clapped.

"You May now kiss your husband," the man said and I wanted to attack him. How could he just say that to them while my heart was fucking breaking?!

Jonah pulled Zach into a kiss as everyone erupted into cheers. Me as well, playing along.

They pulled away and put their foreheads together as they gave each other a big smile.

Next, Jonah and Zach links arms and walked down the aisle together as everyone followed. Everyone but me. I wanted time for myself. Time to progress this.

I sat down on one of the chairs and just looked ahead.

"Hey corbs," dani appeared out of nowhere causing me to jump.

"Oh hey," i said.

"You'll get over him soon bean," he whispered as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"What?" I questioned him in shock.

"I know you love Jonah bean. It's not rocket science. You give him the same look Zach does. I don't know how you do it. You let Jonah your best friend, the person you fucking love, get married to someone else and kept your month shut," he said while amazed evident in his voice.

"When you truly love someone, you put their happiness over your own," I told him and gave him a sad smile as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Oh bean," Dani said and pulled me into a hug as I sobbed on his shoulder.

"I'm now forever on the sideline," I sobbed out as he just hugged me, doing his best to comfort me. But I needed one person and one person only. Only thing was he was now married.

Little did Dani and Corbyn know that Jonah had just heard everything they said. He had come back once he noticed his best friend wasn't by his side like always. And to say Jonah was shocked was an understatement.


Hi! Sorry for being so inactive u guys! School started and I've been so damn busy!

Plus! I don't have any prompts! And I can't think of any! So if u could please request some, that would be so amazing! Plz!

Also part 2 to this one shot or? I'm thinking of not bc I don't know what it will be about so if u say yes, tell me what I should include and what should happen! It would be very appreciated! 💜💕💞



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-Mariana ✨💜

I love you guys so much and don't forget that



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