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Pairing(s): jack and Zach (Jach) and a side of Dorbyn (Daniel and Corbyn)

Prompt: we all get jealous at some point right? Well that's exactly what happened to Jack. His crush/band mate had company only Jack has burst revealing his true feelings towards the younger boy.

Famous or nah: famous

-Jack's POV-

I glared at the guy who was to close to Zach in my opinion as they both played some video game on the Xbox One.

I heard Corbyn from beside me giggle causing me to snap my eyes towards him in confusion.

"What?" I asked him as he continued to giggle while cuddling with Daniel as Daniel held Corbyn's hand while the other one was holding his phone as his finger scrolled through whatever app he was on.

"You're jealously is showing." Giggled Corbyn causing me to roll my eyes. Exactly why I didn't want to tell him who I liked. But the freaking bean used his damn blue puppy eyes on me and I couldn't resist him.

"Shush." I told him as he just giggled.

"Dinner's ready!" We heard Jonah yell from the kitchen.

Corbyn and Daniel were first to get up from the couch and head towards the table. Next was Zach and the damn guy.

I sighed and told myself to calm down. Once I did, I made my way towards the kitchen and to the table.

"What are we having JoJo Bear?" Asked Corbs, looking at Jonah.

"We are having Spaghetti, garlic bread, and hard taco shells for those who want to make a spaghetti taco. Then for desert, I made a delicious chocolate cake." Described Jonah.

"Sounds amazing." Said Daniel as he licked his lip.

"Hope it taste delicious." Laughed Zach.

Jonah smacked him upside the head causing Zach to rub the back of his head but laugh as Jonah set down a plate for each person in front of them.

Once Jonah set down the plates and gave all of us a coke, we all began to eat.

"This is incredible!" Exclaimed the dude to Jonah as Jonah blushed.

What a smart ass bitch, kissing the dad of the group's ass. Like you can't just come up in here and expect all of us to love you. Especially me. I've had liked Zach ever since I've meet him. I can't just let you take him away from me. He belongs with me. Not you. Me!

"So Chris," ahhhh that the guy's name, "how did you and Zach meet?" Asked Jonah.

"Well I saw him walking around a park and I couldn't let an adorable cutie like him walk alone. Especially in the middle of the night so I asked him if I could join him. At first he wasn't to sure but I slowly assured him that I wasn't there to do harm, just keep him safe." Said Chris as Corbyn awed causing me to glare his way.   

"And I couldn't be any more thankful for that." Said Zach, smiling at Chris which made my anger boil.

But I told myself to calm down.

Then out of nowhere, this Chris guy leaned over and kissed Zach. And that was the last straw for me.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" I yelled, slamming my hands on the table as I stood up quickly. Causing the chair to fall backwards but I didn't give a fuck.

Everyone looked at me in shock expect Corbyn. He just smirked.

"What the hell is your problem man?" Questioned Chris, standing up as well.

"You! You're my damn problem." I stayed angrily.

"I have done nothing." He said innocently.

I couldn't stand it anymore so I quickly went up to him and raised my fist then punched him straight on the cheek causing him to go towards the ground. And on his way to the floor, he hit his head on the table which caused him to get knocked out.

I quickly checked his pulse and once I found it, I returned to my seat and grabbed my fork.

"Jonah, pass me a shell please?" I asked Jonah as everyone looks at me in shock.

"What?" I asked, annoyed. Like damn never seen a guy punch another guy.

"What was that for?" Asked Zach angrily. And I snapped...again.

"I GOT JEALOUS! I FUCKING LIK- MORE LIKE LOVE YOU! IT HURTS TO SEE YOU WITH SOMEONE ELSE! AND YOU'RE SO DAMN NAVIE TO SEE IT!" I shouted at him. My eyes went wide once I noticed what I said. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes. Trying to calm myself down.

"You love me?" Zach asked in a shocked voice.

I took in a shaky breath.

"I do." I whispered, opening my eyes only to gasp once I noticed how close Zach had gotten to me while my eyes were closed.

"If you must know, I love you to. Chris was just part of a plan." Smirked Zach causing me to look at him confusion.

"Plan?" I asked clueless.

"Our plan was to make you jealous enough to snap and reveal your feelings. Only you took it a little to far." Butted in Daniel then converted his eyes to a unconscious Chris still on the floor causing me to blush.

"Our plan?! I wasn't in any way informed about this." Spoke up Corbyn angrily.

"That's because you can not keep a secret to save your life bean." Said Jonah as he rolled his eyes causing Corbyn to stand up real quick causing the seat he sat on to make a screeching sound on the tile as it went backwards.

Corbyn opened his mouth to protest but quickly shut it once he realized it was true. Then nodded his head slowly and plopped back down in his seat causing Jonah to chuckle while Corbyn threw him a glare.

"So," I trailed off, focusing my attention from the bean to Zach.

"Will you do the honors on going on a date with me?" I asked him, scratching the back of neck out of nervousness.

"I would love to." Said Zach, smiling up at me while I smiled down at him.

I pulled him into a hug. Wrapping my arms around his waist while he wrapped his arms around my neck.

I guess my jealously did pay off.

Pic was suppose to be in the media but every time I click on it, a pic of Zach and Jonah come up and I can't remove it

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Pic was suppose to be in the media but every time I click on it, a pic of Zach and Jonah come up and I can't remove it. No matter how hard I try 😭🙄😤

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