✨Overcame Their Fears~Donah✨

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*[Please read end notes, super important. Explains why I didn't update for so long}*

*Part two to "Fear~Donah" [u need to read that in order to understand this one]*

Ship(s): donah (Jonah and Daniel)

Prompt: Jonah and Daniel think it's time to finally overcome their fears and they do :) but does it turn out just like they think it will

Famous or nah: nah

-4 months later-

-Daniel's POV-

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. It's been four months since I made up my mind to get over my fear. And I have been making progress each day. I made some friends. Everyone at school was definitely surprised but then people started approaching me. I slowly started to trust some. Some more then others. Like Corbyn Besson, he has become my best friend. He's a little bean you just want to hug forever. And he's a cutie. But I don't see him like that.

I have made eye contact with Jonah on several occasions and even talked to him once. It was hard but I pushed myself. And Corbyn was there to help me out.

Today was the day I get over my dumb fear and ask out Jonah. I wanna have a relationship with him. Or at least try. I'm tired of living in fear after what happened to my momma. Just because it happened to my momma, doesn't mean it will happen to me.

It took some time and I still need to heal more but I'm better then before. I've had Corbyn's help and I couldn't be anymore grateful for him.

We planned this out. Took about two weeks on how we we're gonna do it. But we got it done. And we decided to go with something simple.

I walked down the hall, smiling at others which they returned. I made my way towards an empty classroom. Corbyn's job was to get Jonah in the empty classroom. The classroom was located at the back of the school where no one is allowed to go but we got special permission from the principal. Perks of the principal being your uncle.

I opened the door to the classroom and smiled once I saw the fairy lights hung up around the classroom. And as the white roses were laid on a desk. White roses because Jonah hates red roses. He says they are to basic.

I closed the door and made my way towards the desk that had the white roses on it. I slipped my book bag off my shoulders onto the floor. Next, I gently picked up the white roses and brought them up to my nose. I breathed in and smiled at the smell. It was relaxing and calmed my nerves down a bit.

I looked up once the door knob to the classroom started to jiggle.

The door opened and in came one of the most beautiful looking humans on this planet, Jonah.

He gasped once he turned back around from shutting the door as I stood in front of him with the white roses in my hand.

I took in a shaky breath as I handed him the roses which he gladly accepted.

"So I'm new at this, meaning I'm not good at this," I chuckled nervously which he giggled at causing me to smile at how adorable he sounded.

"But I have been bettering myself and fighting a big fear of mine for 4 months just to ask you something." I admitted to him while taking another shaky breath. Ready to ask him the question that I have been wanting to ask him since I first laid my eyes on him.

"Will you go on a date with me Jonah?" I finally asked him.

"I would love to!" He explained while jumping into my arms while I twirled him around the empty classroom. A special moment for just us.

Suddenly the door burst open while Corbyn and Zach came in clapping and squealing causing me to laugh as Jonah blushed. Zach being Jonah's best friend.

-Next Day (date time)-

-3rd person POV-

Daniel and Jonah laid down on the blanket that was laid down on the green grass. As they both looked up at the stars while they cuddled. Daniel being the big spoon while Jonah cuddled into his side while laying his head on Daniel's chest.

This what they wanted for so long and it final happened. It felt right, like they belonged there, in each others arms. They cuddled under the stars after having a romantic picnic. Both wanting to never leave each others' arms.

Because in each other's arms, they didn't feel any kind of fear, any kind of emotions expect love for one another. They both wanted this moment to never end because right there, they both realized something. Something that took so much time and strength for this one thing that they both yearned for.

And in that moment, they both realized they had both overcame their fears.


Hey guys, I'm back. I'm so sorry for just disappearing. I just needed time off. My mind has been everywhere those 2 weeks I didn't update. Been going through some stuff but I am better now and in a better mind set. I have one more week of school and I'm done! I get out the 25th of May. (This Friday!) I'll update more once I get out! <PROMISE>

Anyways I hope you can forgive me for just going away and didn't even inform you guys.



And Follow me

-Mariana ✨💜

I love you guys and please never forget that

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