-AUTHOR'S NOTE- Chapter one= Airplane and Remeeting and Meeting Friends

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  • Dedicated to Rosie :)

    Hey guys! It's been a really long time!! I recently reread this story, and I wanted to rewrite it! I created a new account, and there I will be editing and rewriting Love Me But Don't Hurt Me. 

I can't say for certain what all the changes are, but I want you to know I will keep the original story's plot line. There could be added chapters, missing subplots, and even a different ending.
Please keep in mind, this will take time. I hope those who first loved the story will be interested in the new one, and for everyone reading this one now, wait for the release :)

I was young and immature in my writing, and just wanted to rewrite :)

Please enjoy! Don't forget to check out my new account :)

Less than three,
Gabriella Green


I hate this. I hate it all. Except seeing Seth and Sue. I love the Clearwaters like my second family. Im just sad I wasn't there for Harry funeral.

I slowly drifted off into deep slumber.

" Five minutes till we land in Port Angela's. Please gather your things and unbuckle your seat belts. Exit on your right, and collect your bags at pick up 11. Have a good day. And if you are still traveling, have a safe trip."

I slowly woke up, and grabbed my cary-on, and left to get my suitcase. When I got to 11, I got my worn out blue suitcase , and walked around to find a spot to rest my tired self.

I found a bench and I was beginning to sit down when I heard a loud voice scream, " LILLY!!!!"

I was in braced with a bone-crushing hug by none other than SETH!!

"Aw, Seth!! Don't kill me before I get home! Come on let me go!! I'll say your old nick name!!"

He instantly let go. I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Hello Lilly!!"

Sue walked over to me and unlike Seth's hug, this one was full of love, like a mother would hug.

I began to smile.

"Hey! Don't forget about me," Seth whined.

I ruffled his hair again and smiled.

Seth took my suitcase and I held my carry-on. We fell in step as we walked towards the exit.

I voiced the question that was on my mind, "So what school am I going to?"

"You are going to Seth's school," Sue said softly.

I suddenly got a really bad headache.

"Is it a full moon tomorrow?" Seth nodded.

Then it hit me. Well two things, one its a full moon tomorrow but he has abs! I could see them through his tight t-shirt

"Yo! Where did you get those?" I asked astonished.

He followed my gaze and he laughed.

"Oh these? Oh I've had them forever! You like?" He cracked up at his own joke, and I rolled my eyes

*After the car ride*

Nearly a hour later, we reached the house. It is just as I remembered it. Small but homey. Seth grabbed my bags and lead the way to my room.

Love Me But Don't Hurt Me. (Seth Clearwater/OC/Jacob Black)Where stories live. Discover now