Chap 1 - Yoongi's Life

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Day 1

It was a great Thursday morning in the city of Seoul. People are hurrying in the streets because it is almost work time. The traffic is getting thicker by the minute. Different kinds of people can be seen in the city; high school students in their uniforms, kids holding either a balloon or a lollipop, office people in formal attires, women chattering with friends, elder people sitting on a bench in the park, men and women in a romantic relationship; and there is one young man who definitely doesn't stand out in the crowd, Min Yoongi.

Yoongi is just an average person, nothing very special if you compare him with the people currently walking beside him. He is a humble employee in a big company in Korea, Syub Ent. He has worked in that company for two years already and has been promoted twice because of his outstanding performance. Although his position in the company has risen, it is not high enough to buy himself a house and a car.

Yoongi looked at his watch as he entered the building of Syub Ent. The time read 7:45 a.m. 'Whew, just in time.' he said to himself. He hurried to the elevator and entered it with the other employees, pressed the button with the number "7" in it, and waited silently for the elevator to reach the 7th floor of the building.

A few seconds passed and the door of the elevator opened as it reached Yoongi's desired floor. He walked out of the elevator and went straight to his office.

"Good morning everyone." Yoongi greeted to his colleagues.

"Good morning Yoongi." everyone greeted back.

He went straight to his table and sat on his chair. He stretched his arms as he gets ready to start another tiring day of work. Stretching his arms before doing something is a habit of his.

"Yoongi, want a cup of coffee?" Jungkook offered.

"Sure. Thanks Jungkook." Yoongi answered.

"Why are you asking Yoongi only? I want one too." Jimin said.

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, I only have two hands. I can't carry three cups of coffee. If you want to drink coffee, get one for yourself." Jungkook answered. He stuck his tongue out to Jimin and started to walk out of the room.

"Yah! Wait up! I really hate that Jungkook." Jimin shouted.

"Don't you two grow tired of fighting with each other?" Yoongi asked, a little bit annoyed.

"It's his fault, not mine. He started this fight. I shouldn't be blamed because I'm the innocent one here." Jimin answered, pouting.

"Yeah, but try to lessen your bickering just a bit. It's really getting on my nerves nowadays. It's very hard to concentrate on work with you two shouting at each other."

"Yeah, I know that. Sorry. I'll try to ignore him, but you should tell that also to him. He's really the one to blame."

"Okay. Just go get your coffee." Yoongi said and sighed.

Jimin passed by Jungkook as he walked out of the office to get his morning coffee.

"Here you go." Jungkook said as he handed the coffee to Yoongi. Yoongi reached for the cup and said thanks.

'Oh, I almost forgot.' Yoongi thought to himself.

"Yah, Jungkook. Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure. What is it?" Jungkook said, suddenly feeling curious.

"I just want to know why you always pick a fight with Jimin. Sorry for this, but you two are really getting on my nerves lately. It's hard for me to concentrate on work with the two of you bickering and fighting. And it's not just for my sake but for our other office-mates too. Why can't you two just get along just like everyone else?"

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