Chap 28 - Hymine's Love

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Day 83

"Good morning." Taehyung greeted sweetly as he saw Yoongi walk towards the dining area. He has just finished making breakfast. 

"Good morning. You're up so early." Yoongi greeted back and sat on one of the chairs. 

"Actually, I..." Taehyung was getting embarrassed. "I couldn't sleep last night." 

"Oh, really?" Yoongi said and smiled mischievously. "You were thinking about me all night weren't you?" 

"Wha- of course not!" Taehyung defended. "Why would I do that?" His face was getting redder. 

"You are just so easy to read Tae. And you're blushing like a tomato right now." Yoongi commented. 

"Yah, if you don't stop your teasing, you won't get to eat any." Taehyung threatened as he grabbed the plate of food away from Yoongi. 

"Okay, okay, I'll stop now." Yoongi laughed at the flustered Taehyung. He went behind Taehyung and hugged him from the back. "Can I eat now?" 

Taehyung knew that he can't resist Yoongi and set down the plate on the table. "Yes, you can eat now," he said in defeat. 

"Thanks," Yoongi said cheerfully and stole a kiss from Taehyung. He quickly walked away out from Taehyung's grasp. Taehyung can't help but smile. 

The two of them enjoyed their breakfast together. Of course, the food was great, but most of all, they enjoyed each other's company. Yoongi lost track of time as he exclaimed, "Damn, I'm going to be late." He quickly got his car keys and briefcase and started to head out of the apartment. 

"Tae, I'll be going now!" Yoongi said as he changed his slippers to his shoes. 

Taehyung suddenly flicked his fingers and Yoongi froze in his position near the front door. "I think you're forgetting something Yoongi." He slowly walked towards Yoongi. Yoongi racked his brains for the thing that he forgot but couldn't think of any. Taehyung flicked his fingers again and Yoongi was able to move again. 

"I didn't forget..." Yoongi started but was cut off by Taehyung's lips.

"There. You're all set to go." Taehyung smiled.


"Yoongi! Am I dreaming or what? Is it just me or are you really late?" Seokjin said as Yoongi entered the office. 

"This is so unlike you. I think this is the first time that you got late ever." Jimin joined. 

"You guys are making this into a big deal. Am I not allowed to be late sometimes?" Yoongi said and sat behind his table. He began to arrange some papers on top of his desk. 

"Yoongi! Tell us the good news already! You promised yesterday." Seokjin reminded. 

"Oh, that." Yoongi didn't know how to start. "Tae and I are together now." 

Seokjin, Jimin, and Jungkook were shocked at Yoongi's confession. Their faces clearly showed their shock. 

"Finally hyung!" Jimin said happily. 

"Oh my God, that was a real shocker. Since when hyung?" Jungkook asked. 

"Since last night." Yoongi simply answered. 

"Congratulations Yoongi!" Seokjin said. "You and Tae should treat us." 

"You just can't get enough of food." Jimin teased.


It was now lunch break at Yoongi's company and they were getting ready to leave the office when a very familiar face suddenly entered the room. 

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