Chap 10 - Jungkook's Confession

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Day 16

"Tae, I'll be going now. Take care of the apartment." Yoongi said as he slipped on his shoes.

"I know. Bye." Taehyung waved and the door was clicked open and shut once more.

Yoongi arrived at Syub Ent just in time. He went straight to the elevators and pressed the number "8" button. He was alone inside the elevator and his thoughts drifted to what happened the other night. 

'I'm so glad that things are okay now' Yoongi thought. He remembered how it felt to have Taehyung in his arms and shuddered at the thought. 

"Aish, what am I thinking? He's a guy for god's sake and I have a girlfriend." Yoongi said as the elevator opened. Deep down inside him, it really felt right to have Taehyung in his arms. It was like their bodies fit each other perfectly; Even though he doesn't want to admit it, he longed to hold Taehyung close again. 

As Yoongi walked out of the elevator to go to his office, he saw Jimin talking and laughing with another guy that he recognized as another employee of Syub Ent. He greeted them both and proceeded to their office. 

"Good morning!" Yoongi greeted to his team. 

"Morning Yoongi." Seokjin greeted back. "Looks like you're on a good mood today. Apparently, someone here is in a mood opposite yours." He pointed at Jungkook who was sulking on his table, looking pissed. 

"Hey, Jungkook. What's wrong with you today? What could possibly ruin your good aura?" Yoongi asked. 

"It's nothing hyung." Jungkook muttered. 

"I know something is bothering you. Why don't you tell me about it?" Yoongi said encouragingly. 

Jungkook sighed. "I'm sorry hyung. I don't want to talk about it. Maybe some other time. I'm just not in the mood." 

"Well, okay. You know you can talk to me anytime." 

"I know. Thanks."

"Anytime." As Yoongi and Jungkook's conversation ended, Yoongi's phone rang. 

"Hello? Oh, Hymine. I'm sorry I haven't contacted you in the past days. We were busy with the proposal. But it's finally finished so I can spend more time with you now." Yoongi said happily. 

"It's okay. I understand. I've really missed you. I haven't seen you for days." Hymine said on the other line. 

"Me too. I promise to take you out to dinner later. So, where do you want to eat?" Yoongi asked. 

"Anywhere is fine. I'll just let you decide. As long as you're there, it's okay with me." Hymine answered. 

Yoongi can't help but smile. "Haha, that's the best thing I have heard this morning. That really made my day." 

Hymine giggled at the other line. "I'll just see you later okay?" 

"Okay. I'll pick you up at your company." Yoongi said and slid his phone shut. He didn't notice that Jimin was already inside the room. "Oh, Jimin. I didn't notice you enter." 

"How can you notice when you were in another world just now?" Jimin teased. 

"I was not. I was just talking to Hymine." Yoongi protested. 

 "Exactly." Jimin responded. 

"Jimin, Yoongi isn't the only one on his own world." Seokjin pointed out. Jimin understood what Seokjin said as he noticed Jungkook sulking. He stood from his chair and went over to Jungkook's desk. 

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