Chap 26 - Confused Break Up

434 39 15

Day 80

Yoongi couldn't believe what Taehyung has just said. Different thoughts were running wildly inside his head. 'Is it my imagination working again or did I just hear Tae say that he loves me?' He was wide-eyed with disbelief and shock. Yoongi gazed at Taehyung's face for quite some time before returning to his room to think about things. He lies on his bed. 

'How will I respond to Tae's feelings now? I think I like him, I'm not sure that I love him...ah! This is so confusing! But I can't return his feelings back because I already have Hymine. I'll be hurting her again.' 

'What will I do now?' Yoongi mentally asked himself. 

'Just follow your heart.' the voice inside his head answered. 

Yoongi was startled by the sudden appearance of the voice. "Oh it's you again." 

'Yeah it's me again and I probably won't disappear until you fix your true feelings properly. I'm here to help.' The voice replied. 

"I'm really confused right now," Yoongi admitted. 

'You just have to sort out the truth inside your heart from the bunch of lies.' 

"I admit that I really like Tae but I can't hurt Hymine's feelings." 

'One of you is bound to be hurt. That's just the way it is. Do you think that Taehyung isn't hurting knowing that he loves you but can't have you at all? If you don't settle your feelings, all of you would just end up feeling hurt.' 

"But how do I settle my feelings?" 

'Decide who you really love and can't bear to be apart with. The answer is just inside your heart Yoongi. Find it.' the voice finally said and disappeared. 


Yoongi's problem was bothering him all day ever since that confession. His mind was always wandering someplace else. Taehyung didn't remember what happened and they continued as if nothing ever happened since that day. Except for the fact that Yoongi was feeling bothered. Yoongi went to work and tried to keep off it.  After eating their lunch during the break of work, Jimin decided to talk to him. He joined Yoongi on one of the tables in their company cafeteria. The cafeteria wasn't full anymore as lunch break was almost over. 

"Hyung, are you alright? You've been spacing out today." Jimin asked worriedly.

"Jimin, I have a question to ask you." Yoongi paused. Jimin stayed silent and urged him to continue. "How did you know that you really loved Jungkook?" 

"Hmm, let me think first. It's just how my heart feels. I think I can't survive if Kookie will disappear from my life. Not seeing him for even a day makes my heart ache. I just can't live without him." Jimin answered truthfully. "Why did you suddenly ask hyung?" 

"It's about Taehyung." Yoongi finally said his worries and decided to confide to Jimin. 

"Oh, what about Tae?" Jimin tried to play innocent. Somehow, Jimin kind of knows what Yoongi's problem is, but he decided to just let Yoongi say it. 

"I..." Yoongi hesitated. 

"I..." Jimin urged him to say it. 

"I think I really love him Jimin," Yoongi said. 

"Well, that's great hyung. Actually, I already know that Taehyung loves you too. But, what about Hymine?" Jimin just hit the target. 

"That's my problem. I don't want to hurt her anymore." Yoongi said weakly. 

"Are you really sure about your feelings for Tae?" Jimin seriously asked. 

"Yes. I'm sure about it. I have been thinking about it last night and I have finally realized that I do love him very much." Yoongi answered. 

"Well, the first thing that you have to do is, to tell the truth to Hymine. She deserves to know it and you have to end your relationship with her before you tell Tae that you love him." Jimin advise. "Oh, and one thing hyung. I think you better do it fast because someone might steal Tae away from you before you even tell him your true feelings." 

Yoongi got what Jimin meant. "Thanks, Jimin. Now, I know what I should do." 

"You're welcome hyung. And I think I deserve a treat from you." Jimin tried his luck. 

"Sure. Let's go back to the office now." 


Thinking that Jimin was right, Yoongi decided to call Hymine. He flipped his phone open and dialled Hymine's number. It rang for a few seconds and then the other line finally picked up. "Hello?" Hymine answered.

"Hi, Hymine. Do you have anything to do later?" Yoongi asked. His heart was really in pain right now because of what he will do later. He really felt guilty. 

"No. Why?" Hymine sensed that something big was going to happen. 

"Can we meet later?" 

"Sure. I also have something to tell you later."


Yoongi met with Hymine at their usual meeting place which is the cafe close to Hymine's company. Tension can be felt in the air as they greeted each other. 

"Hymine, I'll make this fast. I'm really sorry." Yoongi said first. 

"Yoongi, stop. Please let me go first, for my sake." Hymine cut him off. Yoongi was a little bit confused and agreed. 

Hymine gave out a little laugh because of what she was going to do. "I know what you are trying to do and I just want to be the first to say it so that I can walk coolly out of this shop when our conversation is over." 

Yoongi was getting more confused as he listened to Hymine's words. He stayed silent so Hymine continued. 

"I want to end our relationship now." Hymine finally said. She tried her best to hide the cracking of her voice as she was on the verge of tears. Yoongi was caught by surprise by what he heard come out of Hymine's mouth. 

"Wh.." Yoongi tried to say but was prevented by Hymine. 

"Don't ask anymore Yoongi. I just want you to be happy. Always remember that I have truly loved you." Hymine said as tears started falling from her eyes. Yoongi can't bear to witness Hymine crying because of him. 

"I guess it's goodbye then." Hymine smiled sweetly at Yoongi trying to hide the pain that she is feeling at that moment and stood from her seat. Yunho also stood up and looked at Hymine. Hymine hugged Yoongi for the last time. 

"Don't worry about me Yoongi. I'm a very strong girl. Just be happy. And we're still friends right?" Hymine said as she held on Yoongi, feeling his warmth for the last time. 

"Of course." Yoongi said warmly and returned Hymine's hug. 'I'm so sorry Hymine. I can't believe that you'll do this.'

'Yoongi, be happy. Although my heart is breaking right now, I want to do what's right. I know that you really love Taehyung but you're caught up in our relationship. You're free now. Go to where your heart truly lies.' 

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