Chap 15 - Third Wish

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A/N: Dedicated to my online friend that is currently in the hospital ^-^ ~

Day 31

On their third day at Yoongi's hometown, Yoongi's mum reminded Yoongi to go and visit his father. The condition of Yoongi's father was getting better. Yoongi got up early to pay a visit to his father in the hospital and brought Taehyung along. They bought some fruits first in the market before going to the hospital.

They were now inside the hospital walking along a corridor. They reached the room 316. Yoongi turned the doorknob and opened the door.

Once Yoongi saw his father, he felt pain inside him. He didn't like seeing his father all weak. Before his father became sick, he was always a happy and cheerful person. His once healthy and cheerful father was now frail and weak, always inside the hospital because of his condition.

"Dad" Yoongi called out as he approached his father's bed. His father's head turned to look at the person calling him. His eyes fell on Yoongi and his face instantly brightened up. He was really happy to see his son once again.

"Yoongi. I'm so glad that you're here." Mr. Min whispered softly. It was just loud enough for Yoongi to hear. Yoongi's father has some difficulty speaking clearly now because of his condition.

Yoongi quickly put the basket of fruits on the table beside his father's bed and hugged his father tightly. "I'm very sorry dad if I haven't visited you for a while." he said as he buried his face on the pillow.

"It's okay son. I understand. I know that you can't just skip your work." his father said as he rubbed his hand back and forth Yoongi's back to soothe him.

Yoongi slowly pulled away from his father. "Dad, how's your condition now?"

"The doctors said that I'm getting better, but the progress is slow. My prescribed medicines have managed to make my condition better, but the doctor warned me that at some time the medicines might not be enough." Mr. Min paused. "There may come a time that my sickness can't be cured anymore and I'll just have to wait until death comes and take me."

"Dad, don't say that. You will soon be well and our family will be complete." Yoongi said as he took his father's hand in his.

"I hope, son. I really hope so." his father said as he noticed someone else inside the room. "Oh, who is this?"

Taehyung was startled because his mind was wandering somewhere else when Yoongi's father noticed him. "Oh, I'm sorry. I came here with Yoongi. I'm Taehyung, Yoongi's friend."

"Sorry Tae. I forgot to introduce you to my father at once." Yoongi turned to Taehyung.

"It's okay. I know that you are very worried about your father." Taehyung said and smiled warmly at Yoongi. He turned to Yoongi's father, "It's nice to finally get to meet you, Mr. Min. I hope that you'll get well soon. Your family really misses you at home."

"Thank you for your concern and for taking the time to visit me here." Mr. Min said, his face full of sincerity.

"Uhm, do you want to eat fruits? I can prepare some for you." Taehyung said hopefully.

"Sure, if that's okay with you." Mr. Min answered.

"Of course. Anything for my friend's father." Taehyung replied and smiled sweetly. He picked some fruits from the basket and began to wash them on the sink inside the room.

"What a good friend you've got here Yoongi." Mr. Min commented.

"Yeah. I'm really glad to meet him." Yoongi said as he stared at Taehyung's back. Taehyung came back with the washed fruits and sat beside the bed. He grabbed the plate and knife from the table and began peeling the fruits.

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