Chap 17 - Fifth Wish

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Day 41

Since Saturday, Taehyung had been avoiding Yoongi because he was still upset with the amusement park incident. It might seem childish to humans of his age but Taehyung isn't human. When Yoongi went back to the apartment that Saturday night, he explained to Taehyung what happened. Taehyung said that it was okay but Yoongi doesn't believe him because of his actions. Taehyung keeps on avoiding him and only talks to him when necessary. At first, Yoongi tried to say sorry, but Taehyung was just so stubborn and continued on avoiding him. He got tired of it eventually and just let Taehyung go along with his stubbornness.

"That Min Yoongi. Am I wrong for feeling this way? He's always making me cry ever since I went here on Earth." Taehyung said as he prepared dinner. He was being occupied on his thoughts again when the door opened. Yoongi was back from work. 

"I'm back." Yoongi said and entered his apartment. Taehyung didn't bother to greet him and went about with cooking dinner. It was awkward for them to eat together now because Taehyung refuses to talk to Yoongi. Sensing that Taehyung was still hostile to him, Yoongi proceeded to his room to change clothes. 

"Speaking of the devil. I was just thinking about him and here he is." Taehyung hissed. He was about to go to the dining area when he suddenly felt dizzy. His head was spinning; everything around him was getting blurry. This went for a few seconds until everything went black and Taehyung fell to the floor unconscious. 

Yoongi just finished changing clothes and went directly to the living room. He decided to watch television while waiting for dinner but he can't find the remote control. 

"Tae, where's the remote control?" Yoongi asked and waited for someone to answer. A few seconds have passed but still no answer. "Yah! Why are you so stubborn? Can't we just get over the whole amusement park thing already?" 

Silence. Yoongi was starting to get worried. Knowing Taehyung's attitude, he would respond angrily and they would start to get into a fight. He decided to go and check him in the kitchen. 

"Tae?" Yoongi whispered. His eyes widened when he saw Taehyung's body lying on the floor. "Tae!" Yoongi quickly ran towards Taehyung. 

"Tae! What happened?! C'mon, wake up! Don't be like this. Open your eyes!" Yoongi said. Worry was evident on his face as he desperately tried to wake Taehyung up. He was very confused right now and didn't know what to do. 

After a few seconds of tugging, Taehyung's eyes slowly opened. Yoongi felt relief take over him and hugged Taehyung tightly. "Tae, you really scared me! I thought that I was going to lose you." 

Taehyung blinked at Yoongi's statement. "What happened to me? Why am I here on the floor?" 

Yoongi pulled away from Taehyung and answered. "I don't know what happened either. When I went looking for you here, I just found you lying on the floor unconscious." 

"Oh." Taehyung responded. He tried to pull himself up from his lying position but fell down again. It seems like his energy was taken away from him. 

"Let me help you get up." Yoongi said. Taehyung didn't argue anymore because he really needed help. Yoongi pulled Taehyung's left arm and put it around his back. He held on Taehyung's waist to support his weight. They slowly got up and Yoongi led Taehyung to his room. 

"Take a rest first. I'll just bring you dinner. Wait for me." Yoongi commanded and exited the room. Taehyung nodded in agreement and lied down on his bed. He was still feeling a little bit dizzy. 

'What's happening to me? Am I just tired? But I haven't done anything to use all of my energy. Am I sick or something? But wait, genies don't get sick.' Taehyung thought. As Taehyung was thinking what caused his fainting, Yoongi re-entered the room with a tray of food. 

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